The best train to Nabadwip is the Train Number 2065 JANASATABDI EXPRESS leaving Howrah at 3.25 PM daily except Sundays and Holidays. It is scheduled to arrive in Nabadwip at 5:17 PM. There are two classes of service on this train, Second Seating (Rs 67) and AC Chair Car (Rs 215). Tickets can be purchased at any computerised reservations office or at the station on the day of the train. Note: The queue for these tickets is often long, and it may take up to an hour to purchase your ticket. At all computerised reservation offices, before standing in line to purchase your tickets you need to fill out a booking form. They should be available in the area of the ticket counter. There is supposed to be a ticket office at the Calcutta Airport as well (though I've never seen it). You must show your ticket to book a special Airline Passenger quota ticket there. The 5959 KAMRUP EXPRESS leaves at 5:35 PM daily usually from platform number 9. There is no ladies coach. You will need to purchase a general Express Ticket for this train. It is scheduled to arrive in Navadvip at 7:51 PM. There are three classes of service, 2A (Rs 402), 3A (Rs 232) and SL (Rs 121). NOTE: This train only stops in Navadvipa for five minutes, so be ready to disembark before the train stops. The 3141 TEESTA-TORSA EXPRESS for Nabadwip from Sealdah Station (in Kolkata itself, not across the river in Howrah) at 1:35 PM. It is scheduled to arrive in Navadvipa at 4:14 PM. There are three classes of service, 2A (Rs 413), 3A (Rs 238) and SL (Rs 121). Sealdah station is closer to Kolkata hotels.