Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

Photo: The new publications offered to Srila Gurudev on his Tirobhava Day (from left to right): Smaranika (Bengali Magazine), Chaitanya Mahaprabhur Avadhana Vaisisth (Bangla edition of the little english book, Sri Chaitanya Maharprabhu's Special Gift, and The Special issue (Tirobhava Edition) of the Rays of The Harmonist.

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The Rays of The Harmonist team humbly announces the last of three special editions published in honour of Srila Gurudeva. This beautiful third edition is dedicated to the first disappearance day anniversary of Srila Gurudeva.

It features unique articles by Srila Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada and pure Vaisnavas in his line, on the transcendental form of the Vaisnava and on separation-tattva. And it includes beautiful, heartfelt offerings from some of Srila Gurudeva's esteemed followers and disciples.

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