pdf Caitanya-caritāmṛta - Madhya-līlā - part 2 (Chapters 15 to 25)


CC Madhya 2

The second part of Madhya-Lila describes the instructions of Mahaprabhu to the householder devotees to exclusively engage themselves in the chanting of the Holy Name, the deep love of Sri Gadadhara Pandit for Mahaprabhu, when he is instructed to stay at Nilacala, despite his desire to travel to Vrindavana along with Him. Mahaprabhu meeting Sri Rupa and Sanatana Gosvami at Ramkeli, Mahaprabhu's travel to Vrindavana again with Balbhadra Bhattacharya through forests of Jharkhanda, His visit with Tapana Misra at Varanasi, thereafter, His visit to twelve forests of Vrindavana, and having darsana of Sri Gopala at Ganthuli-grama. On the way back to Nilacala, Mahaprabhu meeting Sri Rupa Gosvami at Prayaga and manifesting Rasa-tattva in his heart. Sri Santana Goswami's escape from prison and meeting Mahaprabhu at Varanasi, where Mahaprabhu imparted him the knowledge of Absolute Truth, sambandha jnana, abhidheya-tattva, and prem-tattva. Further, Mahaprabhu's sixty-one different explanations of 'Atmaramas ca' verse of Srimad Bhagavatam have also been elaborated. Explanation by Mahprabhu of bhakti in terms of Vedanta-sutra and how Srimad Bhagavatam is the real commentary of Vedanta-sutra to Prakashananda Sarasvati and other Mayavadi sannyasis, who then became devotees of Mahaprabhu.
