Our Master - His Life
A most endearing hallmark of his preaching was the heart-stealing affection he showed to all. As an uttama-bhāgavata, he entered the deepest recesses of the heart to give the unmistakable reassurance that he is one's eternal well-wisher. The depth of his affection is a tangible reality for all who have experienced it, and this in itself bears subjective testimony to the fact that he was a true emissary of the Supreme Lord.

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As long as Śrīla Gurudeva, the beloved of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, is physically manifest, it is wise to render intimate service to him, and thereby attain perfection. But if we are not able to attain perfection because we have failed to develop attachment to him, attachment wherein we consider him to be the lord of our heart; if we have failed to serve him by giving him our full heart in complete sincerity and selflessness, then we have certainly been deprived...

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The Most Compassionate
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is certainly more intelligent than each and every one of us, and He knows how to make the fallen souls of Kali-yuga best understand His high-level teachings. Indeed, His teachings are comprehensible by all. Still, our misfortune prevails. First, we do not accept His teachings. Second, to impress others with our prowess we mix something of our own with them...

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Sri Guruvastakam

I want to give an explanation of Sri Guru – what are the symptoms of a bona fide guru – and to show you examples that have been given in the epics [Vedic scriptures]. You can apply this to your own guru. Our Sri Guru is akhanda-guru-tattva, Sri Baladeva Prabhu or Sri Nityananda Prabhu, so all teachings should be applied to him and to others who are following this...

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bhakti discourses

Rays of The Harmonist

Year 3 Special Editions
Year 5
Year 5 Special Editions
year 16
year 17
Print Editions

The Most Compassionate Avatāra - Part 3

by Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Mahārāja

The tendency to live an unrestrained lifestyle is opposed to the principles of varṇāśrama-dharma. A person thus inclined, in the course of his life, will not accept the necessity of completely surrendering the results of his actions to Bhagavān.


Year 3 Special Editions
Year 5
Year 5 Special Editions
year 16
year 17
Print Editions

The Most Compassionate Avatāra - Part 2

by Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Mahārāja

[Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu] is certainly more intelligent than each and every one of us, and He knows how to make the fallen souls of Kali-yuga best understand His high-level teachings. Indeed, His teachings are comprehensible by all. Still, our misfortune prevails. First, we do not accept His teachings. Second, to impress others with our prowess we mix something of our own with them...


Year 3 Special Editions
Year 5
Year 5 Special Editions
year 16
year 17
Print Editions

The Most Compassionate Avatāra - Part 1

by Śrīla A.C. Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Mahārāja

On the path of bhakti our sole sādhana is to follow with resolute intelligence the instruction we have received from Śrī Gurupādapadma. With fixed resolve we should endeavour to execute whatever order we have received from him regarding bhagavat-kīrtana. This is both our sādhana (practice) and our sādhya (goal), and our sole duty is to organise our entire life around trying to follow that instruction....


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Page 4 of 6

61. Book Distribution Announcement
(Bhakti News)
... for distribution in the West! Some of the Hindi titles that are arriving are: Ujjvalla Nilamani, Bhajan Rahasya, Gaudiya Giti Guccha, Jaiva Dharma and 17 other Hindi  ...
Created on 26 May 2005
62. The Superiority of Navadvipa Dhama
... Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja THE SUPREMACY OF NAVADVIPA Murwillumbah, Australia: Feb. 13, 2002 Now I will begin Jaiva Dharma, first chapter, which is about nitya and naimittika-dharma. Nitya-dharma ...
Created on 17 March 2005
63. A Hilo Airport Darshan
... It is said in Jaiva Dharma that when the soul becomes liberated, it can go to Navadvipa and Goloka Vrndavana simultaneously. [Srila Narayana Maharaja:] This refers to those whose nature is like that. ...
Created on 11 February 2005
64. The Repository of Jewels
... to deliver them. Why? There is some rasa in this too. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has explained this in Jaiva Dharma, wherein Vrajanatha asked Sri Raghunatha dasa Babaji, “Why is this pastime of the Lord ...
Created on 06 August 2004
65. Join Us In Bangalore
(Bhakti News)
...  distributing as a group, maybe one or two large books like Jaiva Dharma and perhaps 30-40 booklets per week. Now we are seeing improvement day after day and currently each of our men is distributing ...
Created on 11 June 2004
66. A Morning Walk Excerpt
... yesterday in class, and the day before. Read Jaiva-dharma and all my books; and read Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja's books. Throughout Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam guru-nistha is discussed. ...
Created on 20 May 2004
67. It Will First Sprout For Gurudeva
... sense. Sadharani rati is like a jewel; samanjasa rati is like cintamani; and samartha rati is supremely rar, like the Kaustubha-mani. (Jaiva Dharma, page 770) ] Translator: Sripad Madhava Maharaja Editor: ...
Created on 02 October 2003
68. An Interfaith Message
... devotees came to each festival and became very inspired. You should attend our classes; don't miss this opportunity. You should distribute our books, like Bhagavad-gita, Jaiva Dharma and others. This ...
Created on 14 June 2003
69. Book Distribution and Other Topics
... is performed on the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to please Guru and Krsna, then it is real bhakti, otherwise not. Be careful about this. While distributing Jaiva-dharma, for example, you should think, ...
Created on 12 May 2003
70. Is Book Distribution Pure Bhakti?
While distributing books, you should think, "I am doing this to please my Gurudeva and Krsna, all should know what is written in Jaiva Dharma." You may tell people, "Jaiva Dharma includes everything from ...
Created on 11 May 2003
71. A Fireside Darsana
... pure bhakti. If you want that, I can give it, but from where can I give you girlfriends or boyfriends? You should follow the instructions I am giving without cost. You should read Jaiva Dharma, Manah-Siksa, ...
Created on 23 February 2003
72. The Disappearance Day of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja
... tell – what is written in Jaiva-dharma – that no conditioned souls ever came from Goloka Vrndavana. They came from Maha Visnu, or from the tatasta (marginal) region. Also, just as I do in my classes – ...
Created on 21 February 2003
73. Cleansing the Heart
... of rati, bhāva, is matured āśakti. After that there is no sādhana. There are two things – kṛpā- apekṣā- mercy of Bhagavān and bhagavat ‘guru-kṛṣṇa prasāde pāya’ It has been told vividly in Jaiva-dharma ...
Created on 15 January 2003
74. Appearance Of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
... in the Thakura's writings. To listen to the audio version of Jaiva-dharma, click here: http://srilanarayanmaharaja.com/jd/or http://srilanarayanmaharaja.com/jaiva-dharma-audio-in-spanish/] I offer millions ...
Created on 19 September 2002
75. Sri Krsna Janmastami
... This is explained in Jaiva-dharma. and those who really desire to do bhajana will attain these eleven types of moods and five dasas. yam krodha-kama-sahaja-pranayadi-bhuti- vatsalya-moha-guru-gaurava-sevya-bhavaih ...
Created on 31 August 2002
76. Srila Gadadhara Pandita’s and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's Disappearance Da
... me in his service; and still I can serve him. He even wrote something about me in his preface to Jaiva Dharma, and therefore I feel very fortunate. If we follow the instructions of Srila Bhaktivinoda ...
Created on 11 July 2002
77. The Bhakti-Lata-Bija
... and at the same time worldly sraddha will gradually disappear. When full transcendental faith has developed, you will be like Haridasa Thakura. [Devotee:] In Jaiva dharma it says that everything is coming ...
Created on 06 July 2002
78. The Proof of Reality
... the Dasa-mula Tattva (the ten conclusive truths established by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) as written by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in Sri Jaiva-dharma... Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja ...
Created on 26 May 2002
79. Without Radharani, Krishna Is Zero
... was printed in the last Harmonist magazine. But in Jaiva Dharma it says that Krsna has something that's not the work of sakti; His sva-tantrata and His sva-icchamayita. He has independence and free will ...
Created on 03 March 2002
80. The Clearing Stage
On the other hand, in the circle of neophyte devotees nama-aparadha is prominent, with a rare utterance of the beginning of nama-abhasa. Chapter 25 of Jaiva Dharma describes how Vijaya Kumar inquired from ...
Created on 27 February 2002