Sri Sri Guru-Gaurangau Jayatah!
With great joy and enthusiasm for the satisfaction of our beloved Holy Master, nitya-lila-pravistha om visnupada 108 Sri Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, we cordially invite you to join devotees from all over the world in attending the seven-day Grand Opening Festival of the newly reconstructed Sri Sri Radha-Govinda Gaudiya Matha of Trinidad and Tobago, beginning on 1 May 2014 - Aksaya-tritiya.
Our tridandi-sannyasis, including Sripad B.V. Damodara Maharaja and Sripad B.V. Dandi Maharaja, will be leading ceremonies and delivering hari-katha daily. Tamala-krsna Brahmacari, Sudarsana Dasadhikari, and other guest speakers will also give lectures, and there will be nectarean kirtana and maha-prasadam.

Venue: Sri Sri Radha-Govinda Gaudiya Matha
Corner of Sookia and Johnny King Roads, Aranguez, Trinidad.
Commencing: Seven days/nights from Thursday May 01 and ends May 07, 2014
Accommodation and prasadam are provided free of charge.
Contact information:
Manohar Dookhan — 1 868 785 2026, email:
Jayadeva dasa — 1 868 330 7016, email