The Essence of Everything
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If you have no taste in chanting the holy names, again and again, you should do. Don’t be distressed. Don’t be hopeless. Again and again, you will do, this is the medicine and diet also, harinama. And then what is the essence of all the instructions?
Sri Guru Gives God
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Srila Swami Maharaja said, “First, I request you to help them; only you can help them. Secondly, you should arrange my samadhi with your own hands.” There were so many senior god-brothers in Vrndavana, like Bon Maharaja, and his senior sannyasis like Tamal Krsna Maharaja and others; so why did he ask me to give him samadhi?
The Highest Conception of ISKCON to Aspire For
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The bhakti that is defined here in that verse, raganuga-bhakti or Vraja-bhakti, can never be achieved simply by great quantities of sukrti. It can be achieved only if you are so fortunate as to have darsana and association of a rasika-bhakta of Vraja. That high-class devotee's heart is saturated with love and affection, like an Indian rasagulla, and everywhere there is rasa and rasa. If you squeeze a rasagulla, rasa will come out and still so much rasa will remain inside...
Blessings from Srila Bhakti Kumuda Santa Gosvami Maharaja
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Srila Bhakti Kumuda Santa Gosvami Maharaja was the last of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatī Ṭhakura Prabhupada's sannyasa disciples to leave this world, entering nitya-lila in 2012. Srila Bhakti Hrdaya Bon Gosvami Maharaja and Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Gosvami Maharaja brought him to the lotus feet of his spiritual master at the tender age of eleven. Upon initiating him, Srila Sarasvati Thakura named him Sri Radha-ramana dasa, and carefully arranged for his education...
Manjari Bhava - You are All Fortunate
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But we should think that those who are attracted to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are very fortunate. Those who have come to His line have done so because of Srila Rupa Gosvami, and Rupa Gosvami is internally Rupa Manjari...
Don't Worry About What Others are Doing
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Still, somehow you are somewhat fortunate, for you are in good association. You are now realizing something about spiritual and material matters, but there are some weaknesses also. Try to drive out all these weaknesses...
Śrī Gaura-kiśora – The Deity of Ideal Renunciation
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by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda
My śrī guru-pādapadma is not a teacher of any of the illusory subjects of this world, which are aimed only at enjoyment. Yet, at the same time, he alone is the indisputable genius in every subject in this world. Sadly, because I am deprived and fallen, because of my own weaknesses, not all of my guru-pādapadma’s teachings have entered my heart...
Guru Inspires in the Heart
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Guru is like Krsna. Krsna inspired the heart of Brahma and said, "I am the embodiment of all tattva-jnana, tattva-vijnana, and all love and affection. Only this form of mine was present before the creation, only that form exists now, and later, after the destruction of everything material, only I will exist.
All Rights Reserved
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Without a siksa-guru you cannot progress an inch. Here, Visakha is the siksa-guru of Krsna – by her help, He realized Sri Radha's bhavas. Without a siksa-guru, you cannot realize these topics. Sometimes I see that there is more importance of a siksa-guru because, out of etiquette, diksa-guru cannot generally open his heart to his disciple. Siksa-guru is like a bosom friend...
Counter-Clockwise Love
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What is the meaning of prema vivarta? 'Vivarta sesa rupe avarta' - that love which is moving counter clockwise in a very special way. Generally love turns clockwise, but here it is experienced in a very special manner. One who has learned the two and a half syllables - prema (pre-ma) - has learned everything. All scriptures, especially Sri Caitanya-caritamrta and all the books of the Gosvamis, are based simply on this one word, prema...
The Speciality of the Gift of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
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Srila Gurudeva composed an article in Bengali, entitled "The Speciality of the Gift of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu." That article has now been translated into English and is now available for download...
Everything, In Brief
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I want to tell something in brief. A human being must have a goal of life. If you have no goal of life you are an animal – not only an animal but a foolish animal – a donkey. It is not I who am telling you this; our scriptures are telling it. Make an aim and object of your life. In ordinary life we choose an occupation. We consider, “Should I be a doctor, should I be an engineer, should I be this or that?” Then we proceed...
Milk and Carrots
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It is quite true; so we should not eat those things. What Vyasadeva has written is true. Vyasadeva knows everything past, present, and future. He was able to see what qualities are present in each entity...
On the Way to Australia
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[Question:] Some persons say that even though you are giving the service of Srimati Radhika, most of the devotees do not have that svarupa (the constitutional position of the soul). Most don’t have the constitutional form of a maidservant of Sri Radha. Such persons say that your followers mostly have other svarupas, and are getting other moods from you, even though you are externally preaching manjari-bhava...
An Arrival Address
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We should know the aim and object of our life and our devotion. It is Krsna-prema, not Krsna or Srimati Radhika. The heart of Radhika is full of maha-bhava - up to madanakya-maha-bhava. She serves and controls Krsna. This prema is the object. This is the supreme object for all of our lives. Knowing this, what kind of devotional practice should we perform?
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"My heart is palpitating, for I desire to write such a thing which in this life I have not written before, and which is not mentioned anywhere: that Krsna will fall at the feet of Radhika. We know it well, but Krsna is the Supreme Controller, the cause of all causes, and the original bhagavat-avatara. That He falls at the feet of His own potency who is the form of His dasi...
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