Trivikrama Gaura Pancami

  • Let Your Jobs Go - No Harm

    Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

    The essence of all this hari-katha is that without the causeless mercy of mahat, the perfect devotee, we cannot attain krsna-bhakti. If one neglects the maha-purusa guru - siksa-guru - pure Vaisnava - he cannot have krsna-bhakti even after hundreds of thousands of births. On the other hand, if one performs austerity under a mahat-purusa's guidance, he can very easily attain it...

  • A Morning Walk Conversation

    Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

    Sri Rupa-manjari is in Krsna-lila and Srila Rupa Gosvami is in Caitanya-lila -- both forms are eternal and transcendental. If anyone wants to serve both, this will be very good. Otherwise, one can worship according to his own process of bhajana...

  • Keep It In Your Heart-Pocket

    Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

    Whatever I have explained in my classes this past week - you should keep in your pocket; the pocket of your heart Never forget it. If Sri Krsna and the mahat-purusa are both present in the world, we should first try to obey and take shelter of the mahat. Krsna can cheat you, whereas the mahat will not...

  • The Vrajavasis Never Know

    Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

    In this process you should chant, remember, follow your Gurudeva and Vaisnavas, and remain in the association of self-realized devotees. This is the essence of all the teachings of Sri Rupa Gosvami...
