The departure of Srila Narahari Seva-vigraha Prabhu
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Sri Seva-vigraha Prabhu was one of the foremost disciples and intimate servants of jagad-guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada. Our most worshipful Srila Gurupada-padma had a very close friendship with him; they lived together for a long time and served Sri Dhama Mayapura in countless ways. Srila Prabhupada turned over the entire responsibility for Sri Dhama Mayapura to this dear servant and could then preach suddha-bhakti everywhere with a peaceful mind...
Krishna, The Supreme Magician
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This is a very wonderful narration of the character of Sri Prahlada Maharaja and Nrsimhadeva. Especially important is Prahlada's statement, "I am not a businessman. At the end all are bound in birth and death. So I want their welfare." Prahlada is a siddha-bhakta. Lord Nrsimhadeva is a plenary part of Bhagavan, but he is not Svayam Bhagavan. Svayam Bhagavan is in Gokula; He is Nanda Baba's lala. He has all kinds of opulence and powers...
How To Be Ready For Sannyasa / How Kumbha-Mela Came To Be
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Srila Swami Maharaja told me when he took sannyasa, "I remember the days just after Srila Pradhupada gave me initiation; I chanted with taste and eagerness. Then I saw a sloka: 'If anyone remembers me from the core of his heart, I take away all his possessions, home, and family, and make him a street beggar.'" Still, I had so much taste for chanting, and I continued. After some time my wife left me and my three sons also left...
Teachings Of Grandfather Bhisma
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If anyone is insulting, if anyone is beating, Don't think him as an enemy. Your activities are your enemy. So your activities from now, and in the future, should be how? Not to criticise. Not to offend. Not to do anything wrong. Otherwise, your activites will come and do this. So in this world no one is enemy or anything...
Neither Religion Nor Irreligion
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Krishna told, "sarva dharman parityaja/ mam ekam saranam vraja". He has told this so many times; he also told: "man mana bhava [mad bhakto]". Also, "mam eva ye prapadyante/ mayam etan taranti te". Mam eva. So He has told everywhere like this, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu never did. He taught that you should chant, remember, and worship Krishna, Radha-Krishna. Always He told like this...
Only 24 Minutes Left
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You are seeing me. I have no problem at all – not even a death problem. Never do I have any problem, and I think that I will have no problem to solve in the future. My only worry is for your spiritual benefit. Try to realize that...
Farewell Address
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I also don't want to go to wealthy persons, to beautiful persons, or to very learned persons. If they will come, oh, they will ruin everything. I know it is very hard to control them. So I want that we go to common people and preach. I am not seeing that same enthusiasm and spirit which was there during Srila Prabhupadas time. You should have the same spirit-and then you can preach. Go door to door. Don't be afraid that, "He will beat me with a wine bottle." Never. Don't fear...
Sadhana And Sadhya
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I have told so many things about our goal, so now we are going to discuss the process, or method, by which we can attain that goal. First of all, we should know what is the goal of our lives; and then, according to that, we should fix our process - how we can attain it. If there is no goal [sadhya], then no process [sadhana]. We have discussed so many things, so much about our goal - that krsna-prema is our goal...
Cleansing the Heart
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We have discussed ruci. After ruci comes āśakti. This is almost the fifth stage of the “ceto-darpaṇa-mārjanam” verse. The first stage of the verse is ‘ceto-darpaṇa-mārjanam - cleansing the mirror of the heart’. When is our heart clear?
The Worldly Honey
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You should all think death is on your head. Any time death can take you. After this day, whether you will get a chance to do again or not. What species will you go, you cannot say. Always chant. Not busy in divorcing wives and husbands. "What to do, what to do?" 'Oh tell me gurudeva, should I divorce or not?' 'Should I marry?'. These are the two problems… What to do? I have not come to advise you this...
World Vaishnava Convention
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Join us in the jubilant celebration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad at the World Vaishnava Convention, 6th to 8th February, 2024. Our Chief Guest is Shri Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Minister (8th Feb, 2024).
Meeting Is Higher Than Separation
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It was only for beginners and sadhakas that Srila Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja said that one must adapt the mood of separation. We have been forgetful of Krsna since the beginning of time. Thus, a sadhaka-bhakta should always lament, weep, and feel separation in his bhajana. He should weep like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, like Srila Narottama dasa Thakura, and like Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Beginners must know that we have forgotten Krsna and we have been separated from Him from time immemorial,and therefore their bhajana should be full with feelings of separation...
The Absolute Necessity Of Second Initiation
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The holy name is sufficient. The holy name is very powerful and can fulfill all desires. The name will even give vraja-prema. What, then, is the need of taking initiation? The paper has quoted my statement, along with the statement of Prapujya-carana Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja and Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja; so I want to reconcile all statements...
Sri Guru - Heavier Than God
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All of us in this world have turned away from Krsna. Whether you accept it or not, it is true. Although we are greatly suffering, we do not realize it. Why not? We have drunk such a large quantity of the alcohol of maya that we have become completely mad; and in this madness we think ourselves very happy. You should know that one day you will have to give up your bodies and all that you have collected in this world...
Can Only Chanting Give Us Entrance into Vraja?
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Caitanya Mahaprabhu, what has He done for going to Vraja? Only chanting of 3 lakh harinama, it cannot give a person entrance into Vrndavana, Vraja. There must be gopi-anugtya. Following of gopis, following the activities and bhava [moods] of gopis is gopi-anugtya.
Whom Can You Trust?
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In this world we trust various persons. In the transcendental world – in other words, regarding transcendental subject matters – whom should we trust? We cannot see the transcendental world by our eyes, and we cannot touch it with any of our senses So how can we have an idea of the transcendental world, and how can we decide who the Supreme Personality of Godhead is?
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