Don't Have Any Doubt
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Why do we become weak? The process of bhakti is complete, but we cannot follow it due to our anarthas (obstacles in the execution of bhakti created by our own past sins and offences). Srila Haridasa Thakura chanted three hundred thousand names, or 128 rounds, of harinama daily. So at least we should be able to chant 64 rounds daily. Can you do that?
A Morning Walk Excerpt
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Have you realized something of this? How tall you are - or whether your complexion is black or white or golden? How strong are you? Do you know? You should try to know by entering the correct process. You should first come in this process Don't waste your time. If you are not realizing yourself, you have no intelligence. You cannot be happy. You cannot be happy. You cannot be happy...
Developing Devotion
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Where does uttama-bhakti begin? Its smallest fraction is called sraddha. Sraddha means the desire to serve Sri Krsna and Srimati Radhika, and this desire is the root of all devotion (bhakti) to the Supreme Lord. The symptoms of sraddha are faith in Guru's words, Vaisnava's words, Krsna's words, and words of the scriptures, especially the Srimad-Bhagavatam...
Weeping in Separation
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Krsna has now returned to Mathura from Sandipani Muni's gurukula. One day, having ascended to the roof of His palace in Mathura, He looked towards Vrndavana. Weeping, He was remembering past days, when He was in Vraja...
Sri Krsna-Namastakam
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You should not be idle or weak at all, but always chant, always chant. If you are fixed in chanting, this will help you more than making money. Money can kill you, and money can rob you of all your transcendental energy. But Name is very powerful and merciful. He cannot cheat you, and He cannot kill you. You know, if you have so much money and you go outside, anyone will come and shoot you and take your money. Money brings many problems...
More Important Than Srimad Bhagavatam
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The Siksastakam slokas are authentic, and they are more important than the Vedas, Upanisads, and other sastras. I think that they are even more important than the Srimad Bhagavatam. We can say that Srimad Bhagavatam is the bhasya, commentary, of the Siksastakam...
Yes, It Applies To US
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If bhakti is performed to the lotus feet of Vrajendra-nandana Syamasundara, causeless knowledge and detachment follow. Ahaitu means causeless. Bhakti comes, then vairagya (renunciation or detachment), and then tattva-jnana (knowledge and realization of all established philosophical truths) manifests in the heart. They are sure to come...
Super Astounding Effects
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If one thinks he has bhakti, but he has no jnana (knowledge), and no vairagya (renunciation), his so-called bhakti is bogus. It is absurd to think that bhakti can be present without tattva- jnana and vairagya. Both jnana and vairagya are like sons of bhakti They are part of bhakti. Without bhakti they have no true existence...
The Origin of the Living Entity
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By constitution, everything about the mango tree is present in the mango seed. All the potencies of the tree's leaves, branches, and fruits are present there. The number of leaves and the sweetness or sourness of the fruits are already in the seed, but they have not yet manifest...
Srila Sanatana Gosvami
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Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami were very intelligent in their worldly life. Due to their extraordinary intelligence, the Muslim king invited them to be engaged in government service. He changed their names to Dabir Khas and Sakara Mallika, and kept them as his private secretary and minister...
Morning Walk in Miami
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I am asking a question. Do you know why and how Brahmaji stole the friends and calves of Sri Krsna? Who will answer? Do you know?
To Transcend The Iron Age
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You are very lucky to be in the line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Srila Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, my Gurudeva Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja and Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja. And I am helping you to remain in line. Give importance to bhajana, to Krsna consciousness. This is not the first or last human form that Krsna is mercifully giving you...
On Prabhupadanuga
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You should not think that Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada has discovered something new - and that we are "Prabhupadanugas". Some think that "Just as there are Rupanuga Vaisnavas, so we are Prabhupadanuga." Persons who think like that are nothing - they are completely ignorant...
This Ignorant Boy
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If you plant a seed in the ground, it will take three, four, five or six days to sprout. After four, five, six or ten months, leaves and creepers will come, and then flowers, and then fruits will manifest. You will have to give this process at least fifteen years. This is "asu". This is the meaning of "immediately". If you can attain a taste in bhakti, then one life may be sufficient...
Fortune Through Association
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If you are helping and serving the pure Vaisnava, or doing parikrama of Vrndavana or a Tulasi plant, even unknowingly, or you have taken any maha-prasadam remnants which devotees are distributing somewhere and which has been sincerely offered to Krsna with tulasi leaves - that will surely have a great effect. This is called sukriti, pious credits that create impressions on the heart for the gradual attainment of bhakti. When much sukriti is amassed by someone, that person attains sadhu-sanga...
Was Krsna's Promise Broken?
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How are we to reconcile this? Krsna is the Supreme Lord. Everything is possible for Him. He performs all His pastimes under the direct shelter of His yogamaya potency, His trancendental spiritual deluding potency. So how should we understand this pastime?
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