The Powers of an Ekadasi Family
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For us fallen conditioned souls, Krsna has personally become Ekadasi. Ekadasi has no consideration of caste or creed. For example, it is not that Ekadasi will give its fruit only to someone who is initiated by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. If anyone, irrespective of caste or creed or any designation follows Ekadasi, he will gain internally and externally...
The Vow of Ekadasi
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You are all observing Ekadasi today. We should surely observe Ekadasi – strictly avoiding grains, or anything prepared with any kind of grains, such as wheat, barley, corn, and so on. If you observe Ekadasi, chant the holy name, hear hari-katha in high-class association, always remain with elevated devotees, and perform any of the nine limbs of bhakti, you will never fall down...
What Do You Want? What Are You Doing?
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By reading Bhagavad-gita, you will be qualified to read Srimad Bhagavatam. Bhagavad-gita is a book of primary school and Srimad Bhagavatam is for post-graduates. If you do not read Bhagavad-gita, you cannot understand Srimad Bhagavatam. This is the basic platform. Bhagavad-gita is also essential to make a platform. After this you can make a very sweet building of Vrindavana, where you can serve Radha and Krishna...
Krishna Is Sweet
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Krishna's beauty is sweet, His mother, Yasoda, is sweet, and His father is sweet. Especially His flute is very sweet when He plays on it and smiles with His very sweet and crooked side-long glance. Even the stick which He uses for cow-grazing is very sweet...
Sweet Talks with Srila Prabhupada’s disciples
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Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra, Vrndavana, Radha-Krsna, Vrnda Devi, Navadvipa Dhama, Gaura-Nitai—all are here. So, I am so glad to come here. There are so many devotees here. Perhaps, everyone knows me. Some are new. Have you met me before? Is this the first time? What is your name?
Give Radha and Krsna Your Heart
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The Guru is supposed to be on a higher platform than the disciples. And, you should treat him like, “Saksat-hari.” You should always honor him. A disciple cannot sit on the same asana as Gurudeva. But, a Siksa Guru is also honored. Sometimes, he becomes like a bosom friend. You can embrace and joke with a Siksa Guru. But it is very hard to joke and laugh with your Diksa Guru. But you can joke and become a bosom friend of Siksa Guru; laughing together like Sridhama, Subala, and Krsna...
A Casual Airport Darshan
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Sometimes, in Jagannatha Puri, Jagannatha does not reach His chariot for two, three, or four days. And sometimes He stops midway. Why does He do so? Because He is independent. What mood is in Krsna and when it is in Him, only He knows. Even Baladeva may not know. Only Srimati Radhika can know; we cannot know. It is very mysterious...
Hong Kong Airport Darsana
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It is very difficult to understand the gopis' mood without their mercy. When they are absorbed in meditation on Krsna, they see Him and converse with Him. Through meditation, the gopis hear and realize all these things. The gopis meditate and think, "if Krsna would hear what we say, He may reply like this or like that." They know: "He will say that...
Gosvami Tulasi Das
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we should try to develop our relation with them. You should know that Rupa Gosvami knows so many things about bhakti-rasa as Caitanya Mahaprabhu had told him. But how to apply these teachings? How to practice them from our mind, senses, and heart and to make all these things as a rasa? So, Raghunatha das Gosvami has written the answers. So, he is also a siksa guru.
Oh Madhava! and Two Questions
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This greed is so valuable that however wretched, or lusty one may be; but greed may be there. It is not certain if this greed can be found in a very sacred, pure hearted person. It depends on the mercy of any bona fide guru and rasika-bhavuka bhakta. So, he has some association, some sadhu-sanga of Rupa Gosvami. Brahma cannot have this, but the devotee wants this. Brahma cannot have this in his samadhi; but the devotee prays, “I want this...
To Control Lord Krsna
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Mahat-sanga is the most favorable activity for advancement in devotion to the Lord. Controlling the mind and senses – along with mahat-sanga it is ok, otherwise not. If anyone has taken sannyasa but has no devotion or strong faith in the self-realized guru, the above-mentioned pious activities are all performed in vain. External activities alone cannot help you...
Who Is That Sri Radha?
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Now we will return to the point. Sri Krsna and Srimati Radhika never go out of Vrndavana, so why are They feeling separation? Who did Uddhava see with his own eyes in Nandagaon? She is Viyogini Sri Radha. Who met with Lord Krsna in Kuruksetra and was weeping and wanted to bring Him from Kuruksetra to Vraja? She is Samyogini Radhika...
If Gurudeva is Pleased, Everyone is Pleased
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If one wants to advance in bhakti, he should try to understand these topics. Simply thinking, "Not this, not this, not this, will not suffice." If positive understanding and moods are there, then you will be successful. Along with absorption in the positive there must also be negation of the negative, otherwise, you cannot advance. At the same time, absorption in negation will not help you very much...
Did Srila Prabhupada Know?
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If Srila Prabhupada is a perfected soul, an associate of Radha-Krsna and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he can see past, present and future. He went to visit the gurukula, which was perhaps in Dallas at the time, and there were many bad things being done. There were teachers who were unqualified, and they were abusing the children. Just before Prabhupada would go to visit, the children were instructed to behave in a certain way, otherwise they would be punished...
The Inner Meaning Of The Ratha-Yatra Festival
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By approaching a realized spiritual master, inquiring of him submissively, and serving him, everything is reconciled. By this process you will realize everything automatically. Your mental speculation will not suffice. You may be a learned person, but your learning will also not help you; it will betray you...
What is Yoga?
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What is yoga? Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means "to add two things together." There must be two things. For example if you want to add two bricks together, then cement, water and other substances are needed.Similarly, yoga means...
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