Sri Advaita Acarya's Appearance Day
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Advaita Saptami is the day that Sri Advaita Acarya appeared in this world. Sri Advaita Acarya, the cause of the material world, comes first; after that Sri Nityananda Prabhu comes on the day of trayodasi and then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself, descending into this world with the effulgence of radha-bhava, comes on purnima. In this way the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu begin...
'tricks' Of The Bona Fide Guru
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So Indra and Virocana were both disciples of Brahma. Virocana thought, "I am a disciple of Brahma," and Indra also thought that way. But who is really the disciple? He who practices, he who wants to know the real mood and teachings, the internal mood and teachings of his Gurudeva-he is actually the disciple...
Vilap-kusmanjali - Verse Seven
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There are two kinds of bhajana. The first is in vipralambha-lila, and that is performed by chanting and remembering the pastimes of separation. The second is in sambhoga-lila, and it is performed by remembering the pastimes of meeting.
The Life of Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
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First, we should know the identity of Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami. Srila Gopala-guru Gosvami has stated in his Paddhati that in his siddha-svarupa, his spiritual form in Goloka Våndavana, Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami is Sri Rati-manjari, and her nickname is Sri Tulasi-manjari...
The Glories Of Vasanta Pancami
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In India, today is a very auspicious day. It is Vasanta-pancami, the first day of spring. Vasanta means spring and pancami means the fifth lunar day. It is also Srimati Visnu-priya devi's birthday, it is the appearance day of Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, and it is also the disappearance day of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura...
Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
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Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami took birth in a very aristocratic and wealthy family, and he was the only son of his father and uncle. In boyhood he was very fortunate to be initiated by Srila Yadunandana Acarya in the line of Sri Advaita Acarya. Also, Krsna arranged to send Srila Haridasa Thakura to his home, and they were together often. From babyhood he had great taste in chanting the holy name, and at the age of five he received initiation and gradually developed in his bhakti...
A Celebration of Four Holy Days
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In India, there are many festivals held for the worship of Krsna. There, the year is divided into six seasons, each lasting for two months. Among the six seasons, the most glorious is Vasanta, Spring. The Vasanta season is very pleasant, for the weather is neither too hot nor too cold at that time. An abundance of fragrant flowers, like beli, cameli, jui and others bloom everywhere...
A Celebration of Four Holy Days
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A lecture on the topics of
- Vasanta Pancami
- The Appearance Day of Visnu-priya devi
- The Appearance Day of Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
Intense Separation
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Now come down. Come to the process I have previously given you. We must begin our practice of bhakti from the beginning. I have told you about the aim and object of our sadhana-bhajana and life. It is very high, and if you want to achieve it, be like Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, follow him...
Which mood did Caitanya Mahaprabhu come to give?
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Rupa Manjari and Rati Manjari, they always serve Srimati Radhika. They are solely inclined towards Radhika. Without Radhika, they cannot live. If Krsna is defeated by Srimati Radhika, they are overjoyed and clapping. And if Krsna defeats Srimati Radhika then some problems come. They do like this [hang their head down]. So, these manjaris are always with Radhika, at all times.
Note This Down In Your Heart
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Krsna is everywhere. He is in us, and He is in the creepers, trees, dry stones, and everywhere else. He is also in this book. But if Krsna is everywhere - in atoms, trees, and creepers - why do they not speak? We speak because Krsna is in us, but why does this book not speak? There is no jivatma (soul) in the book. Where there is both jivatma and paramatma, speaking is possible. We can speak. Who are we? We are the soul...
The Final Proof: The Jiva Did Not Fall From Goloka
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Come with me now to Godruma in Navadvipa Dhama, where Sannyasi Thakura asks a question to his guru, Paramahamsa Babaji Maharaja. He told him, "For a long time I have heard of the pre-eminence of dharma. On numerous occasions I have asked the question to many people, 'What is dharma? ...
Why Am I Touring The World?
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Why have I come here, and why am I travelling here and there? Why have I invited everyone to come here, and why am I touring throughout the world? What is my mood and mission, and why I am journeying in this old age?
What Is The Real Truth?
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I came to you because you are a very good person. You should realize that only your soul is you, and that soul is part and parcel, an eternal servant of Krishna. You should realize that this is the truth. There is no birth and death of the soul. Due to these worldly truths you are coming and going in this world...
Why There Are Different Religions
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So there are no separate Indian, English, or Christian Gods. God is one, and all living entities are souls. There is no difference between the souls in dogs, cats, rats, ants, or even grasses and creepers. The quality of all souls is the same. They have forgotten Krsna, they are in different species of life, and they are tasting the fruits of their past activities...
When Can You Change Your Diksa-Guru?
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The second parastiti (condition) is as follows: Suppose at the time of taking diksa, one's gurudeva was really following the Vaisnava line, he was a madhyama-adhikari, and he knew many tattvas like krsna-tattva, and maya-tattva. Then, after some time, he began to take the association of a mayavadi, sahajiya, or materialist...
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