Mātsarya - Envy
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by Śrīla Saccidānanda Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura
The word mātsarya is used with different meanings in different contexts. Among its various meanings we find ‘enviousness of others’ good-fortune’, ‘distressed because of their success’, ‘malice’ and ‘jealousy’. Wherever the word mātsarya has been used in the Vaiṣṇava scriptures, it refers to that mood which is adverse to prema (pure love).
You Should Tell Your Mind
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We must have some moods at the time of arati. It should not be performed without mood. When you are making an offering, you will also have to have mood. It may be the mood of Yasoda Ma, who is offering everything to Krsna and then distributing to all others. Or, if your svarupa (constitutional position) has the mood of the gopis and you are very qualified for that, if you have some greed for that, then you can see that Srimati Radhika is giving the preparations to Krsna...
Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja In Mexico - Two Reports
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"Last night you heard about Prahlada Maharaja, how he was born, how he was a strong devotee, and how he had a spiritual guru like Narada Muni. I want you all to be like Prahlada Maharaja. How is this possible? You must know the process of how to chant, how to remember. You should especially know jiva-tattva, krsna-tattva, radha-tattva, maya-tattva, and bhakti-tattva...
Is God Bad?
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The question of how to reconcile the notion of a loving God with the bad things that happen in the world is a challenge to many of us. The teachings of karma – that actions in one life may result in reactions in another life – are never given as a justification for judging others, or for cruelty to others, but as a means for self-assessment and reflection. The law of karma is taught to make us mindful that we should be non-violent (ahimsic) in our actions.
The Abandoned Dog
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Today I went to the seashore for a walk. I was chanting and remembering some pastimes of Sri Krsna, and I was especially chanting this verse...
This Very, Very Critical Time
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A question is raised, and intelligent devotees should think it over. Why did so many devotees leave Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja's line? Why did they become weak? They took harinama initiation and diksa initiation, they rendered services to him, they remained with him in the brahmacarya asrama, and some even took sannyasa. They served in numerous ways, distributing thousands of books and becoming the 'number one' or 'number two' distributors in the entire world...
How To Deeply Perform Arati
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You will have to add something in your sadhana-bhajana. Try to follow the instructions given in the book Hari-bhakti-vilasa, for all rules and regulations can be found there. Also, for arcana (formal deity worship), there is a book coming from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu through Sri Vakresvara Pandita and Sri Gopala-guru Gosvami, and after that through Gopala-guru Gosvami's disciple Sri Dhyanacandra Gosvami. This book is called Arcana Padhati...
Book Distribution and Other Topics
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During the evening class that preceded this morning walk of May 12, 2003 in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, Srila Gurudeva corrected the misunderstanding that book distribution is not bhakti. He clarified this by his statement of reconciliation: "If book distribution is performed...
Is Book Distribution Pure Bhakti?
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While distributing books, you should think, "I am doing this to please my Gurudeva and Krsna, all should know what is written in Jaiva Dharma." You may tell people, "Jaiva Dharma includes everything from top to bottom about how to develop your bhakti from the beginning. If you want to read only one book, then you will have to read Jaiva Dharma by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. From the conclusions of Bhagavad Gita starting with Saranagati, and continuing to maha-bhava, everything has been explained in this book. So you must read and follow Jaiva Dharma...
A Surprise Definition of Bhakti and Sadhu Sanga
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What is sraddha, how does it begin, and what are its fruits? Sraddha, which means the tendency to serve Krsna, is the actual root or seed of all bhakti. We discussed that sraddha is of two kinds: worldly sraddha and transcendental sraddha...
An Amazing Darsana
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I want you to preach my mission, just as the disciples of Parama-pujyapada Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja preached. His disciples preached everywhere and distributed his books. I also want you to preach everywhere through books. Distribute his books and my books. Go to airports, seaports, schools, colleges, street to street, house-to-house – and broadcast the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Chant harinama and be happy...
Morning Walks in Miami
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Krsna is parama-brahma. His personal power, hladini-sakti, is Srimati Radhika, and Gayatri-devi is Radhika’s manifestation. Savitur varenyam means that Surya gives light, heat, and life to all fourteen worlds in each universe. But who gives life to the Sun? Krsna’s power, Gayatri, gives life and light to the Sun. We should meditate on this. Dimahi means “May she come in my heart.” This is the real meaning of the gayatri-mantra. Generally people think this is the mantra of Surya, but it is actually not.
A Radio Interview
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These names are more powerful than fire. If you put your finger in fire, knowingly or unknowingly, the fire will burn you. Similarly, whether or not you are aware of the power of His names, your chanting will burn all your unfavorable moods – your ignorance and offenses. He will give you His love and affection, and soon you will be happy forever...
How Faith Comes
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In ancient times there was a very beautiful and qualified young boy. He became attached to a prostitute, however, and because of that he gave up all his wealth and position and left his wife and children. What is the nature of prostitutes? They show affection artificially, and their only purpose is to take money nothing else. They do not consider whether or not a person is qualified and beautiful. They do not want a relationship; they only want money...
Who Will Save Us?
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What are we doing now? Our life is mostly wasted in earning money. What will money do? Will it give peace and happiness in life? Not at all. Not at all. Bharata was attached to a deer and became a deer. Similarly, if someone is attached to a girlfriend, what will happen? He must become a lady in his next life and he will be attached to men...
Two Drops Of Nectar
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We should try to keep that transcendental wealth in our heart, like our own soul. We should not distribute it. If you distribute it, what will happen? It will become like camphor kept in the open air. It will evaporate in a moment. Camphor should be kept in a bottle with some black pepper — airtight. Then it will not evaporate...
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