Appearance Day of Srinivas Acarya and Srila Madhavendra Puri
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Madhavendra Puripada is the root, or first sprout, of prema-bhakti, the prema kalpataru (the desire tree of love of God). The Deity of Srinathaji (Krsna, the lifter of Govardhana) manifested to him and gave him constant darsana. Prahlada Maharaja and Nrsimhadeva had association for only a moment, and Bhagavan often gave His association to Bali Maharaja in the planet Sutala, but Madhavendra Puri is a special maidservant of Srimati Radhika...
Nrsimha Caturdasi
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What class of person was Hiranyakasipu? Was he a theist or an atheist? He was a theist. From sastra it appears that he believed in God, but he was against Him, he wanted to kill Him, and he had no honor for any of His devotees. He wanted to conquer Him and defeat Him - because it was natural for him. How was it natural? It was natural because he was Jaya or Vijaya, the associate of Narayana...
The Appearance Day Of Lord Nrsimhadeva
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What class of person was Hiranyakasipu? Was he a theist or an atheist? He was a theist. From sastra it appears that he believed in God, but he was against Him, he wanted to kill Him, and he had no honor for any of His devotees. He wanted to conquer Him and defeat Him ─ because it was natural for him. How was it natural? It was natural because he was Vijaya, the associate of Narayana...
Who is Lord Nrsimhadeva?
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Today is the auspicious appearance day of Lord Nrsimhadeva. Who is Nrsimhadeva? He is Krsna Himself - "Kesava dhrta narahari rupa." Krsna Kesava - He is the same Kesava (a name of Krsna meaning that He has fine hair), but not directly. He is none other than Cakra. Krsna's cakra (wheel-shaped weapon) becomes Nrsimhadeva. When there is a temple installation of Cakra, the prayers are offered to Nrsimhadeva.
The Appearance Day of Lord Nrsimhadeva
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If you experience any difficulty or danger in your life, you can chant this mantra. Lord Nrismha surely will save you; He has come only to save you. You can test this. If you are very faithful to Him, as Prahlada Maharaja was faithful, He will take away all your difficulties in chanting, remembering, and becoming a pure devotee...
The Appearance Day of Lord Nrsimhadeva
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Nrsimha is here, Nrsimha is there; above, below, in front, in back, in all corners, and everywhere else. Wherever I go, wherever I walk, and travel, I see Nrismha everywhere. He is in our heart, He is in the creepers and plants, and everywhere else. There is not a single place – even an atom – where He is not present.
On the Subject of Śrī Prahlāda
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Śrī Prahlāda Mahārāja never cared for any problem that arose in his life, and he accomplished his mission in a very short time. His father wanted to kill him, but he never cared. If death is to come, it will come; and you will not be able to do anything to protect yourself. Prahlāda Mahārāja was very bold; you should also be bold like him. I am telling all these truths, for you. If death is coming, or so many problems and sufferings are coming, try to keep your feet on the head of them all...
Śrī Prahlāda Mahārāja - Confidential Facts
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If you really want to be happy, don't try to gallop over Prahlāda Mahārāja to be in Vṛndāvana. Don't be mad for "goopi-prema." First be like Prahlāda, gradually be like Hanuman, then the Pandavas, then Uddhava and then any servant of the gopas and gopīs. You cannot attain gopī-prema before doing this. Try to follow all the instructions of Prahlāda...
How to Observe Nrsimha Caturdasi
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Before I begin my class, I want to announce that tomorrow is Nrsimha Caturdasi vrata. Out of mercy Nrsimhadeva came, saved Prahlada Maharaja, and killed the big demon Hiranyakasipu on this very day - on caturdasi of this month. We should try to observe this vrata. It is better if we follow nirjala, a full fast, and not even drink water. In India almost all devotees do nirjala, but for you Western devotees we give concession...
Mātsarya - Envy
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by Śrīla Saccidānanda Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura
The word mātsarya is used with different meanings in different contexts. Among its various meanings we find ‘enviousness of others’ good-fortune’, ‘distressed because of their success’, ‘malice’ and ‘jealousy’. Wherever the word mātsarya has been used in the Vaiṣṇava scriptures, it refers to that mood which is adverse to prema (pure love).
You Should Tell Your Mind
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We must have some moods at the time of arati. It should not be performed without mood. When you are making an offering, you will also have to have mood. It may be the mood of Yasoda Ma, who is offering everything to Krsna and then distributing to all others. Or, if your svarupa (constitutional position) has the mood of the gopis and you are very qualified for that, if you have some greed for that, then you can see that Srimati Radhika is giving the preparations to Krsna...
Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja In Mexico - Two Reports
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"Last night you heard about Prahlada Maharaja, how he was born, how he was a strong devotee, and how he had a spiritual guru like Narada Muni. I want you all to be like Prahlada Maharaja. How is this possible? You must know the process of how to chant, how to remember. You should especially know jiva-tattva, krsna-tattva, radha-tattva, maya-tattva, and bhakti-tattva...
Is God Bad?
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The question of how to reconcile the notion of a loving God with the bad things that happen in the world is a challenge to many of us. The teachings of karma – that actions in one life may result in reactions in another life – are never given as a justification for judging others, or for cruelty to others, but as a means for self-assessment and reflection. The law of karma is taught to make us mindful that we should be non-violent (ahimsic) in our actions.
The Abandoned Dog
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Today I went to the seashore for a walk. I was chanting and remembering some pastimes of Sri Krsna, and I was especially chanting this verse...
This Very, Very Critical Time
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A question is raised, and intelligent devotees should think it over. Why did so many devotees leave Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja's line? Why did they become weak? They took harinama initiation and diksa initiation, they rendered services to him, they remained with him in the brahmacarya asrama, and some even took sannyasa. They served in numerous ways, distributing thousands of books and becoming the 'number one' or 'number two' distributors in the entire world...
How To Deeply Perform Arati
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You will have to add something in your sadhana-bhajana. Try to follow the instructions given in the book Hari-bhakti-vilasa, for all rules and regulations can be found there. Also, for arcana (formal deity worship), there is a book coming from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu through Sri Vakresvara Pandita and Sri Gopala-guru Gosvami, and after that through Gopala-guru Gosvami's disciple Sri Dhyanacandra Gosvami. This book is called Arcana Padhati...
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