Morning Walk - Malaysia
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It does not matter whether the karma or jnana is 'favorable' or 'unfavorable.' We must give it all up. We must give up the desire for taking birth in the heavenly planets and for moksa (impersonal liberation), and for all things other than the service of Krsna.
You Cannot Bluff Guru
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I have previously explained about the duties of disciples. I explained that guru-nishta is the backbone of bhakti. Without guru-nishta, no one can have any kind of devotion. One may have taken initiation, but if there is no nishta, he is inferior to a person who has not taken initiation and has not had a fire sacrifice, but is actually following guru. I have seen and realized this...
It Doesn’t Matter What You Are
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Sri Krsna continued, "If you have attachment to worldly things, to your children and to all your possessions, only association with exalted devotees of Krsna can destroy it. Only such association can remove all your worldly attachments. Such association is extremely powerful, and that is why it strongly controls Me...
Varnashrama Dharma
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I want that we follow varnasrama-dharma. Varnasrama dharma is of two kinds: daiva-varnasrama and smarta-varnasrama. We reject smarta, but we follow daiva-varnasrama – especially as established by Srila Sanatana Gosvami in his Hari-bhakti-vilasa. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada also established it, as did our Gurudeva Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Maharaja and Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja...
About Criticism
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So, don’t criticize anyone – neither a devotee nor a worldly person. Don’t glorify worldly persons, whether they are good or bad. If you do so, all their bad activities will come in you and your life will be spoiled...
I Came To Remind You
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First we should know what anarthas are. By hearing hari-katha, Lord Krsna will come and purify your hearts, and all anarthas will go away. You should realize what these anarthas are, and whether or not you are covered by them. One of the anarthas is kutinati, which means criticizing others, especially Vaisnavas. We should not criticize...
Teachers Need These Qualities
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We are discussing the conversation between Sri Krsna and His devotee Uddhava. At the time of His departure from this world, Krsna gave instructions to Uddhava. Uddhava had asked: What are the symptoms of pure devotees? How can we become pure devotees? How can we achieve uttama-bhakti (pure devotional service)? In this connection, Krsna replied, "The symptoms of My devotees are as follows...
Be Detached From Dead Matter
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If a man is married, he has love and affection for his wife; but he should not be attached. Ladies should also be careful in this way. If they see any male person other than their husband, they should treat him as a father, son, or brother; nothing else. You should all learn this...
The Cows Of Krishna
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Cows always give milk. They have no dvesa, envy. They do not only support themselves. Their life is always for others, and especially for Krishna, for all the Vrajavasis and for the whole world. If anyone is saranagata...
One Pointed Bhakti
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Our Deity is Radhika. I am an eternal maidservant of Radhika. My relation to Krishna is not direct. Krishna is the beloved of Radhika; so to please Radhika, I am serving Krishna under Her guidance. In this way it is ananya - in our line of disciplic succession...
My Mission
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I want to tell you one thing. Someone asked me, "What is your mission? What have you have come here to give?" My mission is the same mission as that of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Srila Rupa Gosvami and my guru-parampara. It is to give love and affection to all living beings, without any consideration of cast and creed, and according to their qualification and standard of devotion to Krishna. Our main mission is to give love and affection to the highest standard. We are giving this...
Pass Time in Pastimes
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We discussed the birth of Sri Krsna, He who is certainly the son of Yasoda. He is partly the son of Vasudeva and Devaki, but fully the son of Yasoda. After He took birth, His father Nanda Baba went to Mathura to pay taxes to Kamsa, the King of Surasena-pradesh in Mathura. Then at night, after paying the tax, he went to meet Vasudeva.
A Great Pillar of Devotion - Srila Bhaktivedanta Trivikrama Maharaja
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In Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Srila Raya Ramananda: duhkha-madhye kona duhkha haya gurutara? krsna-bhakta-viraha vina duhkha nahi dekhi para ["Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, 'Of all kinds of distress, what is the most painful?'Sri Ramananda Raya replied, 'Apart from separation from the devotee of Krsna, I know of no unbearable unhappiness....
A Humble Letter
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Although we have no qualification for offering or remembering such an exalted personality as Srimad Trivikrama Maharaj, we pray fervently with our utmost sincerity, however meagre, that he please accept this dedication for our benefit and thereby bestow His Divine Shower of innumerable Maha-Bhagavata Blessings on us fallen souls...
The Speciality of Sriman Mahaprabhu’s Dance at Ratha-yatra
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Mahaprabhu moved with such speed, that He appeared to be simultaneously present at every point of His circumambulation. Such a sight is certainly astonishing, but our amazement should not stop there. What bhava was manifesting in Sriman Mahaprabhu at a given moment, and what internal transformations was He undergoing as a result? This was the foundation of His dance...
The Bumblebee
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Radharani is speaking to a bumblebee, who is buzzing about and trying to sit on Her lotus feet, thinking them to be a lotus flower. She tells the bumblebee to go back to Madhupuri (Mathura), from where it has come, for it looks very intoxicated and impure. But the bee does not leave, and Radharani responds by saying, "You are a bumblebee with six legs. Man has two legs and animals have four legs. Animals are foolish...
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