A Radio Phone Interview
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Oh, yes. I am an ambassador of peace because wherever I go in the world I teach everyone that God is everywhere. We are all part and parcel of God. This body is nothing but a bag of stool, urine, blood, and other such things; so we should not quarrel in relation to this body. We see that God pervades everywhere, so we should have love and affection for all. This is the best service of God...
Sri Guru-tattva and Seva
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Today I have an opportunity to worship my Sri Gurudeva. Last year, also, I had the good fortune of worshipping him, and today that auspicious occasion has come again. By the mercy of Bhagavan, I had the fortune of being able to serve Srila Gurudeva for another year. If Srila Gurudeva had wanted to deprive me of service to him, I would not have survived this past year...
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
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Srila Sarasvati Thakura knew that he would soon be going to his Master, and therefore he gave some final instructions to his disciples. Our Guru-Maharaja was there, as were Gosvami Maharaja (a prominent disciple), Kunja Bihari prabhu, Bhakti Vilasa Tirtha Maharaja and others. He told those in attendance, "I am unhappy. I have come for a mission – to give the things that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to give...
A Very Auspicious Day
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Today is the very auspicious birthday of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami. He is sri-varsabhanavi-devi-dayita (most beloved to Srimati Radhika). He is krsna-prestha (very dear to Krsna), krsna-parikara (an associate of Krsna) and especially within Krsna’s parikaras, he is varsabhanavi-devi’s, that is, Srimati Radhika’s, palya dasi (maidservant)...
Unconventional Teachers
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"'However, most of my time was spent in cutting the "jungles" of mayavada, sahajiya-vada, sakhi-bekhi and all other non-devotional ideas. If there is a mayavada jungle, the seeds of bhakti will not sprout. I therefore had to cut so many jungles, and still there are so many jungles left throughout the world. Most of my time was spent in clarifying philosophical points.'
"Saying this, his mood changed and his face became reddish. Then he spoke the following verse...
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura's Glories
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We are now approaching the auspicious disappearance day (Dec. 29th in India) of our divine preceptor, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada. Instead of sending you only one of Srila Gurudeva's lecture on Srila Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada’s glories, we are sending you several. The lectures are situated in a very interesting website (created in Srila Prabhupada’s honor) called The Unconventional Teachers. Read more...
The Blind Well
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In the beginning of creation, there were two demons. They were very powerful. Their names were Hiranyakasipu and Hiranyaksa. You know the meaning of this 'Hiranyakasipu' and 'Hiranyaksa'. That 'hiranya' means gold. Those who have an idea that by gold, by wealth they will be happy, they are called Hiranyakasipu or Hiranyaksa, both. I have come to know that in this land of Brazil, that there were so many hills of gold, and from Lanka, Ravana came here..
Sri Rathayatra in Sri Dhama Navadvipa
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Having read the essay entitled 'Sri Rathayatraya Sri Rupanuganucintana' [Ratha-yatra according to the conception of the followers of Srila Rupa Gosvami] published in the first issue, volume 13 of 'Sri Gaudiya Darsan' [the journal of Sri Caitanya Sarasvat Matha], it seems that this article has been printed without showing it to the most honourable editor, Pujyapada Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja...
Our Relationship with Krsna
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What is the relationship between Radhika and Yamuna? Yamuna means Visakha. And what is the relationship between Radhika and Visakha? They are sakhis. Then what will be our relation with Yamuna? Will she be Mother or Sakhi? All our relations depend on Radhika’s relationships. Because if one has decided that I am [fixed in my relationship as an aspiring] maidservant of Srimati Radhika then such a person will not say - ‘Yamuna Maiya Ki Jaya’ Every relationship should depend especially on Srimati Radhika’s relationships.
God Created Humans In His Own Image
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That there was a Buddhist person, guru. He was in the age of eighty. There was a mountain, and in that mountain there was a very deep cave. And he went inside. And he told his disciples to put a very heavy stone on the mouth of that cave. And there was nothing, no food, no air, no water, nothing there...
Bhakti Does Not Make One Proud
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"By performing devotion, one will not develop conceit; rather, humility will come.
If someone who is not eligible hears discourses about the Lord and studies Vedas and other scriptures, then his studies and his performance of devotional practices is just for the sake of ego. And in case of devotees, these same activities will make them very meek, humble, simple; their dealings will be sweet.
Real Sraddha And Anisthita-Bhakti
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To have strong faith in words of Hari, guru, and vaisnava, this is also outer symptom. Especially in the words of guru and qualified vaisnava and sastra varga. But this is also outer symptom. What is the inner? What is the constitutional form of this sraddha? It is given by guru or vaisnava and that is, a desire to serve Krishna. Again you should hear. A desire to serve Krishna...
Both, Choice and Chance
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Independence was first, and then chance. Without independence, how can the jiva look toward either yogamaya (Krsna's superior internal potency) or mahamaya (His inferior external potency)? So independence is first, and after that, where he falls comes second...
Nectar of Govinda Lila - Always Think of Me
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Sri Krsna will select a heart which is dear to Him and then say, “You come! I will take your heart.” Even if we really desire to give Him our heart, it is very difficult, but if He desires to take our heart, then it is possible. But we must make our heart to be such that when Krsna sees us it will inspire greed within Him...
Always Think of Me
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'Man mana bhava’ means, ‘Give your mind to Me; absorb your mind in Me.’ Our commentators have given an example. In Vraja, a young cowherd girl was newly married and had come to Nandagaon. She has heard a great deal about Krsna and His wonderful pastimes, but she had not yet seen Him. She wanted to see Him up close...
Be Kind to Cows
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The cow species has an unbreakable relation with the āryan culture, refined civilization, lineage and dharma of India. Cows are the life of our culture, the essence of honor in our society, and an indivisible limb of our dharma. Without cows, our culture and very selves will become corpses devoid of life...
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