This Will Be Enough For You
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I am explaining to you the commentary of the first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, as Sri Svarupa Damodara explained it to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura...
Ladies and Men, and other Topics
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Brajanath dasa: Gurudeva, when we first came to Kartika, we saw how everything was managed by you. We saw how there were no management meetings; nothing of the sort.
Srila Gurudeva: There was no meeting at all at that time, and still there is no meeting. Everything transpires as if automatically.
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There was once a devotee who wanted to receive initiation from a bona fide guru. The guru read his face and immediately knew everything about his heart. The guru told him, "You should come to me tomorrow after taking bath, and I will initiate you." The next day, in the early morning, that devotee went to the Ganges, took bath...
The Hidden Meaning In Srila Prabhupada's Pranama Mantra
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[Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja:] What is the second sloka in the pranama mantra of your Gurudeva?
[Drstadyumna dasa:] namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani pracarine nirvesesa-sunyavadi-pascatya-desa-tarine
[Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja:] What is that gaura-vani he preached?
The Real Question
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Kavi also explained, "O King, one who accepts this process of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead will never blunder on his path in this world. Even while running with eyes closed, he will never trip or fall."
That Owl Will Blind You
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You should know. If you come in high-class association, they can tell you the purport of the Gita. Very easily, in one second, they can tell you. What are the symptoms of a madhyama-adhikari Vaisnava? If you don't answer, I will give you a very big slap...
Any Questions?
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We understand from scripture that Sri Guru is present everywhere. So, what is the difference between my asking in an internal prayer to Gurudeva to remove all obstacles to my bhakti – like lust, anger, greed illusion, madness, and bewilderment – and asking him directly, face to face, to remove them?
Questions and Answers While Walking - Houston 2009
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By distributing books, Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja preached throughout the world. His books went house-to-house; to all cities, to forests, mountains, hotels, trains, bookstores, and practically everywhere else. I want my disciples to distribute my books in the same way. My books should reach every house, and every part of the world...
I Like This Matha
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The mood of respect and honor at all times is applicable in the disciple-guru relationship. Even in the true sadhaka stage, the disciple must always be in a mood of awe and reverence...
A Morning Walk Conversation
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Sri Rupa-manjari is in Krsna-lila and Srila Rupa Gosvami is in Caitanya-lila -- both forms are eternal and transcendental. If anyone wants to serve both, this will be very good. Otherwise, one can worship according to his own process of bhajana...
The Vrajavasis Never Know
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In this process you should chant, remember, follow your Gurudeva and Vaisnavas, and remain in the association of self-realized devotees. This is the essence of all the teachings of Sri Rupa Gosvami...
Let Your Jobs Go - No Harm
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The essence of all this hari-katha is that without the causeless mercy of mahat, the perfect devotee, we cannot attain krsna-bhakti. If one neglects the maha-purusa guru - siksa-guru - pure Vaisnava - he cannot have krsna-bhakti even after hundreds of thousands of births. On the other hand, if one performs austerity under a mahat-purusa's guidance, he can very easily attain it...
Keep It In Your Heart-Pocket
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Whatever I have explained in my classes this past week - you should keep in your pocket; the pocket of your heart Never forget it. If Sri Krsna and the mahat-purusa are both present in the world, we should first try to obey and take shelter of the mahat. Krsna can cheat you, whereas the mahat will not...
More Than That Magician
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Mahat sanga, the association of pure, exalted Vaisnavas is very rare - very rare - in this world. Even half a moment with him cannot be compared with the benefits of svarga (heaven), moksa (liberation) or any worldly achievement. It cannot compare with anything lower than Vaikuntha, what to speak of the attainment of an ordinary kingdom...
The One-Day Program
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We want to collect money and wealth, and we think that we cannot survive without it. This is wrong. ‘Nityartidena’ . You are very worried if you have no money or wealth, and if too much money comes, there will be quarrels. Others will shoot you and take that money from you...
Organizing the World
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When Lord Ramacandra returned from exile, He first went to Kaikeyi’s house. When he arrived there, he asked, “Where is Bharata? Up until now Bharata was with me, so where has he gone?” Someone said that Bharata did not want to see the face of his mother, Maharani Kaikeyi. He had broken his relation from Kaikeyi and determined, “I am not your son and you are not my mother. I will only call you Maharani Kaikeyi.” All the subjects of Ayodhya used to go to Bharata in Nandigrama and seek advice. So one day Kaikeyi went to him and said, “You are my son, so I want you to keep me here with you in Nandigrama...
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