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Advaita Acarya is Sadashiva like Vishnu. So He is non-different from Visnu, so He is Advaita. And he is the preacher of the holynames and giving prema; so he is Acarya. His father’s name was Kuvera. He was doing austerities for Sadashiva. After a long time, Shiva became happy and told that I will come as your son. So Sadashiva came as his son [Advaita Acarya].
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Rupa Manjari and Rati Manjari, they always serve Srimati Radhika. They are solely inclined towards Radhika. Without Radhika, they cannot live. If Krsna is defeated by Srimati Radhika, they are overjoyed and clapping. And if Krsna defeats Srimati Radhika then some problems come. They do like this [hang their head down]. So, these manjaris are always with Radhika, at all times.
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So, this is our paramapara. Then they will sprinkle their mercy [with this blessing-] “Oh! [May you have] Raganuga bhakti, in the guidance of Rupa Gosvami." You should serve Radha-Krsna conjugal but bending towards Radhika. This is very, very secret. I have brought you all for this. Svamiji [AC Bhaktivedānta Swami] wanted to give but there was no time to give. He wanted. So, in their [disciplic] line, I am telling so many things about Raganuga. No one else is speaking. All are silent. But I am not silent. Oh! I should go to hell, no harm, but they should all have Raganuga bhakti. [applause] But you will have to surrender.
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What is the relationship between Radhika and Yamuna? Yamuna means Visakha. And what is the relationship between Radhika and Visakha? They are sakhis. Then what will be our relation with Yamuna? Will she be Mother or Sakhi? All our relations depend on Radhika’s relationships. Because if one has decided that I am [fixed in my relationship as an aspiring] maidservant of Srimati Radhika then such a person will not say - ‘Yamuna Maiya Ki Jaya’ Every relationship should depend especially on Srimati Radhika’s relationships.
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"By performing devotion, one will not develop conceit; rather, humility will come.
If someone who is not eligible hears discourses about the Lord and studies Vedas and other scriptures, then his studies and his performance of devotional practices is just for the sake of ego. And in case of devotees, these same activities will make them very meek, humble, simple; their dealings will be sweet.
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“I accept my Guru but I do not follow him, his instructions” - what is this? Like nonsense! Nothing.
Not only by words, you should try to follow from the core of your heart. Each instruction what he has given is all important. Only [thinking] ‘I am disciple’ it will not do.
Only coming and going and hearing will not do. What we are hearing, we should try to follow.
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Manah Siksa and the section about 'Anartha-nivrtti' from Madhurya Kadambini - understand these very thoroughly. After this, when lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride and envy will go away then one will not commit offences to the holy name, Vaisnavas, while doing seva, etc. Only then can one enter the pastimes of Mahaprabhu. And after entering the pastimes of Mahaprabhu, then entry into the pastimes of Krsna will be possible.
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This is the specialty of Gaudiya Vaisnavas, which is not there in any other sampradayas. The feeling of bosom relationship of this world [laukika sat-bandhu]. Like, Krsna is my beloved. Krsna is my friend. Krsna is my son. This worldly mood will exist. However it is not worldly. It is transcendental. Krsna is also transcendental. The devotee is also transcendental. But towards Krsna, one will possess a mood like an intimate relationship of this world. Otherwise vraja-prema cannot become realised.