The Glory Of The Siksa-Guru
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I am very happy that the whole of Murwillumbah, all devotees have come here. I am very inspired. You are helping me in this preaching in the line of Svamiji. All of you are helping. I am not making disciples, I am making my friends. Making environment that I can tell some Hari-katha to them and they can hear. And Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta told: "O you are my 'vipada uddhara bandhu'" What is meaning? You are my friends who save me from a great calamity." Also you are saving me from great calamity. The guru never thinks that I'm making so many disciples...
The Value Of Association With Pure Devotees
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The association of high-class bhaktas is glorified everywhere in Srimad Bhagavatam. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has written the song "Sudha bhakata carana renu, bhajana anukula." What is the meaning of this song? "The dust from the lotus-feet of the high class of Vaisnavas, especialy those in the line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and especially in the line of Srila Rupa Gosvami, is very favorable for success in bhajana. Also...
Essence of Srimad-Bhagavatam
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Brahma wanted to see the source of this lotus. He looked up and down, but he could not discover it. He then sat on the lotus and began to think, "What should I do? I don't know what to do."..
TV Interview - Durban, South Africia
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The director of a very popular South African television program, called Dharma Moments, came with his cameraman to the residence of Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja to interview him for their program. They first filmed the devotees chanting the maha-mantra...
A Note on Gita Govinda and Gaura-Vani
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"I will have no further relation with Krsna. I will not go to meet Him." Sri Krsna was upset and He therefore sent a gopi to Srimati Radhika to pacify Her. The gopi requested Her: "Sarasa vasante." New leaves have sprouted on all the trees. Cuckoos are singing...
Publication of Sri Gita Govinda
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Sri Jayadeva Gosvami was a very high class of maha-bhagavata, and he wrote a book called "Gita Govinda", "The Glories of Govinda". When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw this book, He made a copy and instructed His followers to also obtain one. At that time there was no press, the books were reproduced by hand, so Mahaprabhu ordered His followers to write it down and then preach. In Jagannatha Puri, all the Vaisnavas and associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wrote down that book and made a necklace for themselves of the beautiful songs therein...
The Meaning Of Diksa
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The word initiation actually has come from the word diksa. A qualified, realized guru, who is detached from worldly things-he is really guru. Because he has some realization, he can give diksa. But diksa is not completed in one day or one moment, as it is going on nowadays. Diksa is a class, a course - a process. In one day we cannot be BA, MA, or PHD. It will take some time. There is a regular process...
Vaisnava-ninda, Criticizing a Vaisnava
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Among all the different types of offences a jiva (living being) can possibly commit, no offence is more severe than blaspheming a Vaisnava. It is therefore essential to contemplate the meaning of vaisnava-ninda according to the scriptures. It is written in the Skanda Purana...
The departure of Srila Narahari Seva-vigraha Prabhu
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Sri Seva-vigraha Prabhu was one of the foremost disciples and intimate servants of jagad-guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada. Our most worshipful Srila Gurupada-padma had a very close friendship with him; they lived together for a long time and served Sri Dhama Mayapura in countless ways. Srila Prabhupada turned over the entire responsibility for Sri Dhama Mayapura to this dear servant and could then preach suddha-bhakti everywhere with a peaceful mind...
Krishna Is The Only Whole
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Actually He is stealing hearts by His all-enchanting nature. A heart can only belong to someone if he has stolen it. These hearts are taking the forms of different paraphernalia, so that Krishna can 'steal them', and thus have loving exchanges with His devotees...
Krishna, The Supreme Magician
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This is a very wonderful narration of the character of Sri Prahlada Maharaja and Nrsimhadeva. Especially important is Prahlada's statement, "I am not a businessman. At the end all are bound in birth and death. So I want their welfare." Prahlada is a siddha-bhakta. Lord Nrsimhadeva is a plenary part of Bhagavan, but he is not Svayam Bhagavan. Svayam Bhagavan is in Gokula; He is Nanda Baba's lala. He has all kinds of opulence and powers...
The Glories of Gopal Bhatta Gosvami
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First let us glorify Gopal Bhatta Gosvami. During Caturmasya-vrata Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to South India, to the Ranganathji temple. He began to dance and perform kirtana there, and all were attracted. The members of a very holy family met Him there, and they requested Him, "Please stay at our residence for these four months of Caturmasya, and after that You can go anywhere else...
Glorification of Sri Ramacandra Kaviraja
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Seeing the wedding party, Srinivasa Acarya said, "This foolish person has obtained a poisonous black snake, and he is keeping it around his neck. That very snake will bite him and he will die, but he does not know this."
Hearing the words of Srinivasa Acarya, the bridegroom at once approached him and said, "What are you saying? I could not understand thoroughly."
How To Be Ready For Sannyasa / How Kumbha-Mela Came To Be
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Srila Swami Maharaja told me when he took sannyasa, "I remember the days just after Srila Pradhupada gave me initiation; I chanted with taste and eagerness. Then I saw a sloka: 'If anyone remembers me from the core of his heart, I take away all his possessions, home, and family, and make him a street beggar.'" Still, I had so much taste for chanting, and I continued. After some time my wife left me and my three sons also left...
The Glories of Srimati Gangamata Gosvamini
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There was a beautiful girl in East Bengal named Saci devi, and she was the daughter of the King of Putiya. From the beginning of her life she heard about Lord Krsna, and from that time onward she gave her entire heart to Him. From the time she was about five years old, she used to worship Krsna, sing to Krsna, play with Krsna, and do everything with Him. When she was about sixteen years old she became maddened for Him...
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There are many lines on the earth, like the Equator, the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. In the Sanskrit language these lines are called rekhas. In Vedic Astronomy these rekhas are called Bhumadhya-rekha, Karka-rekha, and Makhara-rekha. In its travels, the Sun is always somewhere between these lines. The day on which it comes nearest...
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