Morning Walk -Sadhu Sanga is Essential
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Anyone who has as his stayi-bhava (permanent transcendental emotion or relationship) a relation with Krsna in Vraja, in Mathura, in Dvaraka, in Ayodya, in Vaikuntha or anywhere in the spiritual world, and they look towards the spiritual world from the tatastha region, they do not have to come to this world in order to perfect their bhajana. Only if Krsna desires that they come with Him and His pastimes to this world do they come; otherwise not...
The Creeper Of Devotion Grows - Part 2
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When one’s creeper of devotion matures and one comes to the stage of an uttama-bhagavata, crossing bhava-bhakti and coming to prema-bhakti, at that time the devotee can go to Vraja (the highest abode of the Lord), and especially to Radha-kunda ... from bhava-bhakti up to but not including prema-bhakti, one’s anarthas are sleeping (dormant)...
Levels of Devotion - continued
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Try to be like Pariksit Maharaja, who was cursed to die after seven days. He forgot to take any prasadam, and he did not even drink any water during that seven-day period. He did not sleep at all, for he was engaged day and night in hearing Hari-katha. Then, after seven days he left his body without any suffering and went to Goloka Vrndavana. Try to hear with the same absorption as Pariksit Maharaja...
Be Very Careful About This
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Nowadays, especially in European countries and in Russia, devotees think they are very 'rasika'. *[See Endnote 2]. They want rasa (the taste of spiritual mellows). They want to go up to the top of the tree of prema at once. They only want madanakhya-bhava (the highest ecstatic devotional love, situated only in Srimati Radhika). They do not want to follow vaidhi-bhakti. They don't like vaidhi-bhakti.
Honoring The Vaisnava
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What is the proper way to utter the name of your gurudeva? If you are offering pranama to him, should you hold your hand in your japa bag and say, "Namah om visnupadaya krsna presthaya bhutale sri srimad bhakti prajnana kesava gosvami iti namine"? What is the proper etiquette? Among the sixty-four limbs of bhakti, the first ten are for guru. Do you remember what they are?
Don't Collect Anything
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Try to follow all the principles. Don't divide your heart into fractions. Don't let it go here and there. Be one-pointed to Sri Krsna, as the gopis are. They gave up their husbands, fathers, mothers and children, and even their chastity, Vedic injunctions, and fear of society's accusations. They are one-pointed. If you can do this, then, very soon, in one human birth, you can attain up to the devotional stage of asakti or rati (transcendental ecstasy), and after that you can attain prema...
A Morning Walk in Badger
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At the time of death, Sri Krsna. Gurudeva and the entire world are there in Krsna. Do you understand? The entire world, Gurudeva, all Sri Krsna's associates, and everything else are in Krsna. Remember Sri Krsna but also His power – both the gopis and Srimati Radhika. This was told to us by Srila Rupa Gosvami...
Don't Be Attached
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You should not do anything for sense gratification. All kinds of happiness will come automatically, as it is destined. In this regard, Dattatreya has given an example of a python. The python lives only in one place. Even if he does not eat for so many days, he will not try to obtain food. If any animal automatically comes in front of him without any effort on his part, he will eat it and be satisfied. A sadhu should be like that...
Italy Morning Walk
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If the devotee commits an offense at the feet of a Vaisnava while cultivating the creeper of devotional service in the material world, his offense is compared to a mad elephant that uproots the creeper and breaks it. In this way the leaves of the creeper are dried up. So, we should be alert in this regard...
Twenty-Four Siksa Gurus
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Try to understand this. If you understand and keep this in your heart, you will never be unhappy. I see that so many are unhappy, because they don't try to understand and follow my teachings. If they will understand and follow, they will be happy. We call upon our own sufferings. Don't call them...
Prayers And Pastimes At The Time Of Taste
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We will be explaining the stage of ruci (taste for bhajana). When ruci comes there is no chance of falling down, at least it is very, very rare that one may fall. At that stage raganuga-bhakti, the greed to serve Sri Sri Radha-Krsna like the Vrajavasis will arise. When ruci comes there is a taste in chanting, remembering, hearing hari-katha...
How To Chant Diksa Mantras
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Always try to chant the holy name and don't be weak. This is also the teaching of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You should remember and meditate, three times daily, on the diksa mantras given to you by your Gurudeva: guru-mantra, guru-gayatri, gaura-mantra, gaura-gayatri, krsna-mantra, kama-gayatri, panca-tattva mantra, and hari-nama. Never think they are useless. Like Krsna, they are very powerful...
Beware of Maya
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The Guru has no attachment to anyone, but he is merciful. He is only attached to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. He has no lust for anything in this world. He has no time at all for anything or anyone else...
A Phoned Lecture
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On the evening of June 6, 2004, at the home of Vinodini and Arun Verma in Houston, Texas, Srila Narayana Maharaja gave a lecture near a speaker phone to 400 devotees in North Carolina. A large festival had been arranged for his weeklong hari-katha in North Carolina, but on the day he was supposed to fly there he was advised to change his plans because of health reasons...
Boycott The Sahajiya-Babajis
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I want to explain something so that you will be very careful. I am receiving questions about the books published by the babajis of Vraja. They accept Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, and Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Conjugal. They have not written their own books. They only take books like Stava-mala by Srila Rupa Gosvami...
The Means To The Ends
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Vraja-prema can never come if one thinks, "My son is the Supreme Lord." If you want to have Vraja-prema one day, then, like the Vrajavasis, you will have to forget that Krsna is the Supreme Lord...
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