Airport Conversations
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if you have no opportunity, then you should read yourself. It will help. You will be able to make more prominent and fixed, whatever you have heard from me or any high class of Vaisnava, by reading. Understand? By their example, behavior, mood, love and instructions...
A Lawn Darsana
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Srimati Radhika and all the gopis are most beautiful. If one sees them he will die, because he will change his body and go to Goloka Vrndavana. This material body will not survive because it is not able to take darsana of the transcendental world.
What Are You Doing, My Brothers, My Sisters?
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Yesterday the subject was very high, but for preachers it is essential to know. If anyone does not know all philosophical conclusions (siddhanta), he cannot be strong. At any time he may fall down...
Not a Laughing Matter
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We have been discussing the conditioned soul. We have explained how you came under the control of maya, and how you can become liberated and serve the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna. We have been explaining this for two days...
How to Fulfill All Your Desires
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If anyone takes part in the Govardhana-annukuta festival, and makes any preparation or even gives one grain, that person will never have to beg. Laksmi, the Goddess of Fortune herself, may have to beg, but that person will never have to beg. You can perform this worship even in your house. Today we are doing it here because I am here..
As an Intimate Friend
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Still, the ‘girl’ was grave and did not say anything. Srimati Radhika then said, “Perhaps you have a headache or some pain in your body, and that is why you are not speaking. My father has given me some good maha-narayana massage oil. It can cure anyone...
Don't Be Proud Of Your Intelligence
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Service requires a special relation. Now our goal is not fixed. What is our goal? "I should serve Krishna. I am an eternal servant of Krishna". But what kind of servant are you? This goal must be fixed, and it will come if you are initiated in the true sense; not only by fire sacrifice or when the guru changes your name. Simply that will not do...
What a Preacher Should Know
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You should know all these truths. Krsnadas Kaviraja Gosvami and all of our disciplic succession included these in their literatures. Caitanya Mahaprabhu defeated Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, and Srila Jiva Gosvami defeated so many. Srila Rupa Gosvami knew all these truths, but he left it for his disciples to explain; and he did only that...
A New Topic
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This is my tenth visit to Badger. Each year I travel around the world and remind everyone about krsna-bhajana. I encourage the devotees not to be weak. I tell them to be strong in bhakti...
You, The Living Entity
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The jiva is a separated part and parcel of Krsna, but don’t think he is separate. He has no separate existence. He will always be subordinate to Krsna, in Goloka Vrndavana and here also...
Deep Talking While Walking
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Fire is everywhere, but it is not seen. Similarly the jiva, Goloka, Vaikuntha and all of the spiritual existences have come from cit-sakti, or antaranga-sakti, (the transcendental, internal potency of the Lord) They are not visible by these eyes. Only when, if they manifest themselves for some reason, can we see and know them...
A Fact of Wonder
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How did this world come to be? The answer is given in this first verse, beginning "janmady asya." There are many meanings to this verse, and Sri Svarupa Damodara is giving the general meaning here...
Causeless Mercy
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By one's previous samskaras (impressions on the heart created by previous devotional activities) and spiritual advancement, Krsna will arrange for him to have the proper association - according to his heart - and svajatiyasaya-snigdha rasika siddhanta-vit bhaktas (pure, self-realized devotees, who know fully all the knowledge in the Vedic scriptures, and who are established in the mood of one's svarupa, the mood for which one aspires) will associate with him if he is sincere and qualified for that...
A Bouquet of Prayers - Mathura - 1993
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A devotee may come to me, he may come to you, to others in this room, or to others not present here. There are so many devotees; it is not necessarily that he will come to me. The subject matters he discusses will be according to the amount of mercy he receives. There are several types of devotees. Devotees are not in one grade; there are so many various grades of devotees, and according to their grade they will come to you, to him, or to others. It depends on Krsna and the spiritual master...
This Will Be Enough For You
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I am explaining to you the commentary of the first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, as Sri Svarupa Damodara explained it to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura...
Ladies and Men, and other Topics
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Brajanath dasa: Gurudeva, when we first came to Kartika, we saw how everything was managed by you. We saw how there were no management meetings; nothing of the sort.
Srila Gurudeva: There was no meeting at all at that time, and still there is no meeting. Everything transpires as if automatically.
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