Snana Yatra
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On snāna-yātrā day a very festive mahābhiṣeka of Śrī Jagannātha, Baladeva and Subhadrā-devī is performed according to rules and regulations. Brahmā and all the other demigods participate in this ceremony without being seen. Afterwards, the curtain of the Jagannātha temple is closed and there is no darśana for fifteen days, because Śrī Jagannātha becomes sick from bathing too much...
Both Feet in the Same Boat
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Choose between engaging yourself in the transcendental devotional service of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu or taking shelter of mundane activities; serving family, friends, and society. It is impossible to maintain both these activities simultaneously. I humbly caution that if we do not develop single-mindedness in executing devotional service, then we place ourselves in the impossible task of trying to cross a river with two boats, with a foot in each. The boats float here and there and we are split into two pieces...
Glorious Deaths
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I will tell a story about this: There was once a king who had thousands of sons. Those sons were killed - burnt to ashes - as a result of committing a great offense to a sage. Thousands of years later, there was a good son born in that dynasty. He served Krsna, and he was therefore able to bring the Ganges from the Himalayas to the place where his ancestors had been burned to ashes...
A Whirlpool of Love
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When I remember Mahaprabhu, I weep, and at that time I cannot control my life, or my body, or my mind. Continuously weeping, I considered that I must write something about the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to express the reason why I incessantly weep. Forgetting which of the Lord's transcendental pastimes came first, second, or last, I write whatever comes in my memory...
Why did Brahma test Krsna?
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By constitution, your home is in Goloka Vrndavana, but unfortunately you fell from the tatastha region to this world. Now you should try to go home. Now, I have a question: Why did Brahma test Krsna? What was the reason?
On God, Love and Reincarnation
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We are trying to help everyone, and that is why we perform kirtana, congregational chanting of the holy name and fame of Krsna. We chant "Hare Krsna" so that even trees, animals, dogs, and even any person who doesn't want to hear, can receive spiritual benefit. We chant, "Hare Krsna" very loudly, so that the transcendental sound vibration will go everywhere...
Nirjala Ekadasi and other topics
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The Pandavas used to observe Nirjala Ekadasi on every Ekadasi. Once, Bhima told Krsna, "It is not possible for me to fully fast every time. Krsna replied, "On all other Ekadasis you can take fruits and roots, but you must follow Nirjala on this particular Ekadasi...
Your Twenty-Four Gurus
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The root and backbone of bhajana is guru-nistha (strong faith in guru). Without strong faith in the bona fide guru, and unconditional surrender to him, you cannot begin your bhakti. You will never be able to do so...
The Glories of Tulsi-devi
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Why is Tulasi so beloved to Sri Krsna? She arranges for the birds, peacocks, nikunjas (secluded groves), flowers, fragrances and everything related to nikunja-seva and srngara-rasa, and thus she serves Krsna and Radha. She also makes arrangements for all the gopis to meet with Krsna. She especially serves Srimati Radhika...
Bhakti does not depend on One's Asrama
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Once I was with my Gurudeva, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, in Assam - we were about forty brahmacaris (celibate students) and about ten sannyasis (those in the renounced order of life). One day, one of the brahmacaris was giving a class and saying that all householders are rotten...
The Appearance Day of Sri Ganga-Devi
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There is another history, which is in the Brahma-vaivarta Purana. Ganga is a sakhi, a gopi like Lalita, Visakha, Srimati Radhika, Candravali and others like them. One day Sri Krsna was sitting with Ganga-sakhi, and He was engaged in some pleasant talks. In the meantime Srimati Radhika came and saw them, and She thought, "Oh, Krsna is meeting with Ganga-sakhi?"
Appearance Day of Sri Gangamata Thakurani and the Ganga
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In Bengal, around the time of Srila Rupa Gosvami, a king and his family were living in Putiya. The king had a very beautiful daughter named Saci-devi, who, from a very young age, used to worship Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. When Saci-devi grew-up somewhat, she decided that Sri Krsna is her only beloved. She determined, "I will not marry any person in this world, for my beloved is Lord Krsna Himself - Syamasundara...
Disappearance of Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana
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My supremely worshipable Gurudeva nitya-lila-pravista om visnupada astottara-sata Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja demonstrated his veneration for Sri Gaudiya Vedanta and for sri-gaudiya-vedantacarya Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana Prabhu by using Prabhu’s name in establishing the society ‘Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti’ and also in awarding his sannyasa disciples the title ‘Sri Bhaktivedanta.’
Disappearance Day of Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana
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Today is the disappearance day of Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana - one of the most elevated acaryas in our disciplic succession. Today is also the birthday of Srimati Gangamata Gosvamini, and it is also the very day that the Ganges River came to this world. Three holy days are here. In India, in all our Mathas (temples), there will be a very big festival of harikatha for these prominent leaders in devotion to Sri Krsna.
You May Die Tomorrow
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Sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam and so on - all these general practices are in the category of vaidhi-bhakti when they are performed in the mood of worshipping the Lord in with awe and reverence, or when they are performed with a desire to attain that mood purely. Do you understand clearly? The same practices, performed with a special mood of greed to attain the devotion of the residents of Vrndavana, are called raganuga-bhakti...
If Someone Urinates On You
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Be enthusiastic at the time of hearing, remembering, serving the Lord’s lotus feet (pada sevanam) and worship of the Deity form of the Lord (arcanam). Cooking is also arcanam – don’t be neutral at any time. This is the symptom of bhakti. If one has bhakti, one is enthusiastic to first please guru and to then please Sri Krsna. How will we know that guru is happy with my activities?
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