The Island of Separation
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Today, we went to two islands – Jahnudvipa and Modrumadvipa. In Jahnudvipa, under my guidance you heard about the relationship between the Yamuna and the Ganga Rivers, just as I had spoken about it in previous years. In Modrumadvipa you heard about the separation pastimes of Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Lord Ramacandra...
Making Sannyasis
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I want to make a proposal to you all. Then, if you sanction or approve this proposal, it can be enacted. My age is now gradually becoming older. I can no longer travel everywhere, especially to far away countries like Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Africa. My doctors tell me to lessen my travels. Therefore, I want that some of the more qualified devotees should be given sannyasa...
Lessons in Modrumadvipa
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One should be more humble than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, and should give respect to all others. So why is it that Sri Vrndavana dasa Thakura has said, “If anyone will criticize or minimize Sri Nityananda Prabhu, I will take a stick and beat him on the head.” Is this the mood of trnad api sunicena?
The Special Glories of Sri Navadvipa Dhama
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In Navadvipa-dhama, Mahaprabhu is similarly of three types. He came in the mood of Radhika. Always thinking that He is Radhika He forgot that He is Krsna. He then went to Puri and manifested His Radha's separation moods there. Sometimes He would be locked inside the Gambhira, chanting harinama. Hearing the sound of Krsna's flute, He would then somehow go through the seven locked iron gates. He would run to the ocean as if He were a fish. He would float in the waves for the entire night, and sometimes the ocean would carry Him far away. His body would become 7 arms long...
Who Is Praudhamaya?
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Just after Krsna took birth from Mother Yasoda's womb, she gave birth to His sister, Yogamaya. This is Praudhamaya, a manifestation of Krsna's antaranga-svarupa-sakti. The root or complete internal svarupa-sakti, transcendental energy, is Radharani. Srimati Radharani becomes samvit, sandini, and hladini in order to fulfill different functions and activities...
Navadvipa, Puri, And Godavari
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In Navadvipa Sri Gauranga performed sakhya-bhava pastimes with his friends in his naravat, human-like lila. It is said that after taking sannyasa in Navadvipa, He left and performed higher pastimes in Puri. After that, on the bank of Godavari, He met Ramananda Raya and learned how to taste Krishna in a still more...
Prema Vivarta
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Jagadananda Pandita explained that we have forgotten Krsna since time immemorial. Therefore, chasing after us, Krsna came as Caitanya Mahaprabhu to give what no other acarya or incarnation gave before - unnatojjvala-rasa. By the mercy of the dhama and Mahaprabhu, we can remember this and worship Gauranga with nistha. We came here to Navadvipa, from all parts of the world, for this...
An Introduction To Navadvipa-Dhama Parikrama
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Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in Navadvipa and performed His pastimes there. It is said that after these pastimes were completed, He took sannyasa and went to Puri. Later He went to South India, met Srila Ramananda Raya, and revealed to him His form as Sri Sri Radha and Krsna combined – Rasaraja-mahabhava. This form of Rasaraja-mahabhava is also described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, as the pastimes of Radha and Krsna...
The Superiority of Navadvipa Dhama
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What is the glory of Navadvipa? The original Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna appeared in this world and performed His astonishing pastimes in Vrndavana. Yet, all of His desires were not fulfilled at that time. Those desires that were not fulfilled by Him during His pastimes in Vrndavana were fulfilled when He appeared here in Navadvipa-dhama in the form of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu...
Nectar Flowing in Navadvipa
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What is the glory of Navadvipa? The original Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna appeared in this world and performed His astonishing pastimes in Vrndavana. Yet, all of His desires were not fulfilled at that time. Those desires that were not fulfilled by Him during His pastimes in Vrndavana were fulfilled when He appeared here in Navadvipa-dhama in the form of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu...
The Deity is not Stone
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This place is very sacred and very old. Long ago, Sri Krsna-Balarama were worshiped here in a very small temple, and so it was known as the temple of Krsna and Balarama. Now that the temple is rebuilt, this place is called Sri Rupanuga Gaudiya Bhajana-sthali - a very good name...
A Surprise Navadvipa Parikrama
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I wanted that one year I would be here in Vrndavana for Gaura Purnima - to see how we can observe it here. I made up in my mind that, as it is performed during the Navadvipa parikrama, on the first day we will do sankalpa (vows and prayers for the success of the parikrama), on the second day we will visit those pastime places in Vraja that are hidden...
Sri Srimad Bhakti Dayita Madhava Gosvami Maharaja
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A doubt occasionally arises in my heart. I think, "Have I made a mistake in accepting the shelter of the lotus feet of the Vaiṣṇavas? It certainly seems so. I appear to have made a mistake in taking up bhajana, in accepting the shelter of the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavas and, specifically, in taking refuge of the Gauḍīya Maṭha and dedicating all my senses to serving in the Maṭha...
The Post and the Person
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Both as the post and the person, Siva is superior to Brahma. Lord Siva is an expansion of Lord Visnu, but sometimes a jiva may become Siva's expansion known as Rudra. If a man purely performs the duties of varnasrama for one hundred births, he may become Brahma. In other words, he may attain the position or post of Brahma. In turn, when a person in the post of Brahma carries out his function expertly for one hundred births, he becomes qualified to perform the function of Siva in his manifestation as Rudra...
Three Considerations - for Siva Ratri
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There are three considerations (vicaras) from which to understand the relationship between Lord Krsna and Lord Siva. One is called tattva-gata-vicara - the consideration of their relationship by established philosophical truth. Another is called aisvarya-gata-vicara - the consideration of their relationship in the Supreme Lord's pastimes of majesty, and the third is naravat-gata-vicara - the consideration of their relationship in the Supreme Lord's sweet, human-like pastimes....
On Renunciation
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According to your impressions from previous lives and this life, if you are hankering for bhakti, it will come through service to your Gurudeva and it will come with renunciation. From his boyhood Raghunatha dasa Gosvami did not like wealth, praise, or anything else of that nature. He was trinadapi sunicena. Try to follow his life from the beginning...
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