Closing Words
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Depend on Sri Krsna. At least develop saranagati, practicing the six types of surrender – always consider that Sri Krsna is your protector. No other person can protect you. Depend on Krsna, not anyone else. Be like Gangamata Thakurani...
Can A Devotee Suffer?
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Devotees who are chanting Sri Krsna’s name and practicing pure devotion to Krsna have no karma. For them, suffering and problems that come to them means that Krsna wants them to be humble and tolerant. Such devotees should think, “Oh, I am very wretched.” This humility will come. So, Krsna personally gives them this suffering. It is not the fruit of their karma...
Rama-navami in Mathura
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Rama-katha is endless. Sankarsana (Lord Anantadeva) himself continuously sings the glories of Sri Rama, but even with unlimited mouths he is unable to touch the end in any way. We can just relish, and pray that these infinite pastimes may appear in our heart. Tulasi dasa has written Rama-caritra-manasa, which is based on Sri Valmiki's Ramayana. All the pastimes written by Tulasi dasa come from the Ramayana and other Puranas, but the principles of bhakti that he gave there have been taken from Srimad-Bhagavatam. He presented important selected verses, especially from the eleventh canto, and translated them into Hindi poetry.
Glorification of Sri Sita-Rama
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Janaka Maharaja had given the definition of bhakti to Lord Rama’s brother, Bharata. "Anyabhilasita-sunyam, jnana-karmady-anavrtam, anukulyana krsnanu-silanam bhaktir uttama. One who has no other desire than to please Krsna, and who is not influenced by the process of jnana-marga (cultivation of knowledge) karma, and so on, is situated in pure bhakti.” The king told him that nothing can control prema (pure love of God); it has its own law. One who has prema will always consider the desires of his object of love. He has no personal interest. He will always think, "How will my beloved be pleased?" Our real purpose is to please our worshipful deity, God and Guru; not to please ourselves."
The Appearance Day Of Lord Sri Rama
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Who is Sri Rama? He is Krsna Himself, and Sita is Radhika Herself. In order to establish the principles of maryada, regulative etiquette, Krsna appeared in the form of Sri Rama. His associates also appeared in Rama-lila. Gopisvara Mahadeva manifested as Hanuman and Baladeva appeared as Laksmana. Satrugna and Bharata are also manifestations of Krsna because they are His weapons...
Rama Navami
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Do you know the history of Ramayana? Maharaja Dasaratha had three hundred and sixty queens, but no sons. One day he went hunting, and in the evening he met a friend of his who was a king. The king had a very beautiful daughter named Kaikeyi, and he engaged her in serving Maharaja Dasaratha. Maharaja Dasaratha was very pleased with both her services and her beauty...
Rama-Navami - Bangkok, Thailand
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Do you know the history of Ramayana? Maharaja Dasaratha had three hundred-sixty queens, but no sons. One day he went hunting, and in the evening he met a friend of his who was also a king. That king had a very beautiful daughter named Kaikeyi, and he engaged her in serving Maharaja Dasaratha, who was very pleased with both her services and beauty...
Rama Navami - The Appearance day of Lord Sri Rama
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We must be one-pointed to Lord Sri Krsna, not to any other. Do you understand? Why then are we worshiping Lord Ramacandra? Someone may say, "This is not one pointed." But that is not the fact. Sri Krsna is akhila-rasamrta-sindhu. He is the enjoyer of all rasas: dasya (servitude), sakhya (friendship)...
Meeting and Separation in The Pastimes of Lord Ramacandra
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In Treta Yuga, Lord Ramacandra, Sita devi, and Laksmana went to Mamagachi. Under the shade of a large banyan tree, Sita Devi observed that Lord Rama was smiling mildly.
She inquired, “O Lord, what is the cause of your amusement?”
The Appearance day of Lord Ramacandra
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In ancient times there was a king named Maharaja Dasaratha. He was a very, very strong personality. He conquered all kings in the South, North, East, West, and everywhere. Therefore his name was Dasa-ratha, meaning that his chariot went everywhere in the ten directions...
God in Book Form
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In our brahma-gayatri and in all our gayatri mantras, the word "pracodayat" occurs. "Dhiyo yo nah pracodayat." "Tan no gaurah pracodayat." We are in the disciplic line from Srila Vyasadeva. If you are like Srila Vyasadeva, with no worldly desires at all, then "evam prasanna manasah" – you will be happy by body, mind and soul; you will be able to have the darsana of Lord Krsna. You will see Him face to face, and you will see His sweet pastimes, from beginning to end...
A Loving Darsana in the Corridor
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We should practice that yoga which is favorable, and we should reject that yoga which is not favorable. Vyasadeva was also a yogi and so many maharsis and rsis were yogis, but they were not patanjali yogis; they were bhakti-yogis. Bhakti-yoga is very easy...
Opening Words
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Try to realize the writings of Srila Rupa Gosvami, Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura is called Saptama Gosvami – the Seventh Gosvami. He has written so many books. We should especially read his Jaiva Dharma. Whatever he wrote was personally realized by him...
Inconceivable Jiva-Tattva
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It is not that everything can be compared in every respect, so there are only some similarities in this analogy. Not everything is similar. For example, the seed of a tree is not cetana (conscious, or alive), but atma, the soul, is cetana. Maya is not present in the atma. There are no clouds in the sun; but they are outside of the sun. We see the clouds, but those who are above the clouds are always seeing the sun; they do not see clouds. Similarly, self-realized souls like Sri Narada Rsi can see that we are always serving, even though we are conditioned souls...
Sri Ramanujacarya's Appearance Day
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Sri Ramanujacarya is an incarnation of Laksmana (Lord Rama's younger brother), and he accepted the Sri Sampradaya. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada took many teachings from him, such as the duties of sannyasis, the duties of disciples, and the etiquette of the Vaisnava. He utilized 108 teachings. We follow these teachings, and we have also published them in our Bhagavata Patrika and Gaudiya Patrika...
Sri Ramanujacarya
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Today is the avirbhava, birthday, of Sri Ramanujacarya. Rama-Navami, the birthday of Lord Rama, is also coming very soon, Throughout Their entire lives, Rama and Sita-devi always had problems, even though Rama is God and Sita-devi is his svarupa-sakti, internal potency. They showed by example that in this world, even if you are a king and have a very strong personality, you will still have to suffer...
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