Observing Vaisnava Festivals in Succession
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Gaudiya Vaisnavas observe all visnu-tattva appearance days along with special fasting. Sometimes these days come next to each other or next to an Ekadasi or Dvadasi tithi which is meant for fasting. This happens every year somewhere in the world for Lord Varaha Dvadasi and Lord Nityananda Trayodasi, but not at all locations due to different sunrise times.
A Clearer Understanding Of Namabhasa
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You should know that there are so many kinds of namabhasa. Not all types of namabhasa are the same; chaya-namabhasa (a semblance of the pure name obscured by ignorance and anarthas, like the sun, covered by clouds, which does not manifest its full brilliance) and pratibimba namabhasa are not the same...
Good Questions
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It is true that a person gets association with sadhus as a result of past impressions, and it is also true that his present sukrti is also created by hearing from pure devotees. Some more inspiration will come by this, and he will advance...
Questions From Onions To Rati
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It is quite true; so we should not eat those things. What Vyasadeva has written is true. Vyasadeva knows everything past, present, and future. He was able to see what qualities are present in each entity. For example, Bhagavad-gita describes the sattvika, tamasika, rajasika, and nirguna natures of various persons, plants, foodstuffs, activities, knowledge, and so on...
The Clearing Stage
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On the other hand, in the circle of neophyte devotees nama-aparadha is prominent, with a rare utterance of the beginning of nama-abhasa. Chapter 25 of Jaiva Dharma describes how Vijaya Kumar inquired from Babaji Maharaja about the effects of nama-abhasa and the process to enter that stage of chanting. When he asked about the results of nama-aparadha...
Beyond Your Imagination
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Why did Srila Sukadeva Gosvami want to hide the fact that Krsna was the son of Yasoda and Nanda? He knew that Krsna is eternally their son, so why did he conceal it? The secret reason is that general people do not have enough intelligence to understand the deep and secret truths of Krsna's activities, and therefore he concealed something from us...
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Why is Janmastami not called Madhava-tithi? Why are Gaura-tithi or other holy days not called Madhava-tithi? ...
Give Your Ears to Me
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If anyone, any guru, who has some false ego that he is guru, but really he wants money, wealth, reputation, some position and is running after them to be happy, then he is not guru. He may know so many śāstra quotations, but we should offer praṇāma to him from very far away...
The Glories of Ramanujacarya
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Sri Ramanujacarya was born in South India. He is an incarnation of Laksmana. The word ‘anuja’ means ‘younger brother’. Rama-anuja refers to the younger brother of Lord Rama; therefore, he is Ramanuja. In Kali-yuga, he is the acarya of the Sri (Laksmi) Sampradaya. He is the disciple of Yamunacarya...
Come With Me to Nandagaon
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A siddha (perfect) devotee like Uddhava does ahnik three times a day, and you must try to follow him. If you do not chant and meditate on your gayatri mantra, Gopal mantra, and other mantras given by your guru, how will you develop a relation with Krsna? It is certain that you will not be able to advance. Even Krsna, Ramacandra, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted three times a day. Early in the morning they took their baths and chanted. Do not forget this...
The Gopi's Mercy Upon Uddhava
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"Many birds take shelter in a beautiful green forest, where there is an abundance of fruits to eat and water to drink. Everything is provided for them there. These birds live very happily in that forest, but if a fire comes and burns down all the trees, the birds go to another forest. In this case, the love and affection of the birds for the forest is also selfish...
The Bhaktivedanta Trust
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You should know one thing. ISKCON was first established by catur-mukha (four-headed) Brahma. He is our first guru. He is the original founder-acarya of ISKCON, and his disciples like Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana, Sanat-kumara, and Narada are real ISKCON preachers. After them, especially in Kali-yuga, Madhvacarya, Ramanuja, Visnuswami, Nimbaditya, and so many others appeared...
A Message For The Australian Devotees
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Don't criticize each other, don't quarrel, and thus make a very beautiful and ideal community here, where all Vaisnavas can come. Don't lock the door on anyone, as the Iskcon institution does nowadays. Always open your doors, and also open the door of your hearts...
In the Deity's Service
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My Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, used to teach all this to us. When you are going to give any water from any vessel, you should not put your nails in the water. If you are cooking and you are putting some salt in dahl, or any other preparation, you should put the salt away immediately, before offering the dahl; otherwise it will become contaminated (juta).You should be very careful...
A Hilo Airport Darshan
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The jiva is partly independent. As Lord Sri Krsna is fully independent, the jiva is partly independent. Krsna does not control him. He has given the soul freedom, and that freedom is a very valuable thing. Using that freedom, he can serve Krsna eternally, and if he misuses it, then maya comes and covers his original nature...
From Another Group
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In recent times, the original explanation of slokas like this have been discarded, and other, different explanations are now given instead. According to the new explanations, those who make them claim that “One should only take shelter of our Gurudeva, or of someone else who comes from our group. It doesn’t matter who they are. Even though it may be Krsna ...
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