Hear This Great Secret
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There is a reason that Sri Sukadeva Gosvami did not reveal this truth clearly at first. Many problems may have come for ordinary people, and especially for the Vedic Smarta brahmanas. They would not have read the Srimad-Bhagavatam; or, they would have spoken against it...
The Blazing Forest Fire And The Burning Ghata
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One day, when Krsna was out cow-herding with His billions of cowherd friends and innumerable cows, He took them to Bhandiravana, one of twelve prominent forests of Vrndavana. Roaming from one forest to another, He and His associated finally reached Bhandirvana and began to play. Balarama and Krsna and all their friends, like Dama, Sudama, Sridama...
A Fireside Darsana
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Try to fix your mind in harinama kirtana and japa. This is first. Pray to Nama Prabhu, who is not less than Krsna and Srimati Radhika. In fact, Nama Prabhu is more powerful even than Krsna. So pray to them: "Please make me qualified to serve you in all respects." Then, serve with your senses, mind, words and everything you possess...
Impressions of Bhakti
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Although our gurudeva has also entered his unmanifest, eternal pastimes, we happily remain in this world. On the occasion of special days, like his appearance or disappearance day, we might remember him, but often we are involved in arranging the festival in his honor, and there is very little chance to contemplate our separation from him. A tear may come to our eye as we speak something about him; but it may not come...
Appearance Day Of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura
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Today is the birthday of jagad-guru Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura. Prior to him no one went to distant western countries. No one ever crossed the ocean, nor did anyone want to. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, however, ordered Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, "Not only in Bengal; not only in India. I want that we should preach Krishna consciousness like Narada - crossing all the oceans and making the whole world as one."
Appearance Day Of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura
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He wished for it, and he ordered Srila Swami Maharaja to do it. Before this he ordered his three disciples, Sripad Bhaktihrdaya Van Maharaja, Bhaktisaranga Gosvami Maharaja, and Bhaktipradipa Tirtha Maharaja, to go to England...
Appearance Day Of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada - Giver Of Madhurya-Bhakti
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Srila Sarasvati Thakura is krpabdhaye, an endless ocean of mercy. He is the first acarya in the four sampradayas to desire that all the people in the world, all those who have forgotten Krsna, should realize all the truths of bhakti, and they should be helped to become pure devotees. If Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura had not sent his disciples here and there, none of you, in any country, would have met pure devotees...
The Disappearance Day of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja
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I remember Pujyapada Gour Govinda Maharaja. He came from an aristocratic brahmana Vaisnava family, his father and mother were Vaisnavas, in his house there was a deity of Gopalji-deva, and he was thus trained in Vaisnava philosophy from the beginning...
Sri Vyasa Puja - Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
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Today is the day of the worship of Sri Guru, and I have come here today for this purpose. I am a person blinded by ignorance. Ignorance is an object resembling darkness. I am the servant of Visnu - I have no other function except the service of Visnu - this mode of thought is being obstructed by the darkness of nescience...
Without Radharani, Krishna Is Zero
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He is never separate, but for logic Bhaktivinoda Thakura is telling so. Don't use your intelligence. Always take the intelligence of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Rupa Gosvami, and our acaryas; then we can understand. What is this called?
Come With Me to Nandagaon
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A siddha (perfect) devotee like Uddhava does ahnik three times a day, and you must try to follow him. If you do not chant and meditate on your gayatri mantra, Gopal mantra, and other mantras given by your guru, how will you develop a relation with Krsna? It is certain that you will not be able to advance. Even Krsna, Ramacandra, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted three times a day. Early in the morning they took their baths and chanted. Do not forget this...
The Gopi's Mercy Upon Uddhava
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"Many birds take shelter in a beautiful green forest, where there is an abundance of fruits to eat and water to drink. Everything is provided for them there. These birds live very happily in that forest, but if a fire comes and burns down all the trees, the birds go to another forest. In this case, the love and affection of the birds for the forest is also selfish...
The Bhaktivedanta Trust
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You should know one thing. ISKCON was first established by catur-mukha (four-headed) Brahma. He is our first guru. He is the original founder-acarya of ISKCON, and his disciples like Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana, Sanat-kumara, and Narada are real ISKCON preachers. After them, especially in Kali-yuga, Madhvacarya, Ramanuja, Visnuswami, Nimbaditya, and so many others appeared...
A Message For The Australian Devotees
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Don't criticize each other, don't quarrel, and thus make a very beautiful and ideal community here, where all Vaisnavas can come. Don't lock the door on anyone, as the Iskcon institution does nowadays. Always open your doors, and also open the door of your hearts...
In the Deity's Service
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My Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, used to teach all this to us. When you are going to give any water from any vessel, you should not put your nails in the water. If you are cooking and you are putting some salt in dahl, or any other preparation, you should put the salt away immediately, before offering the dahl; otherwise it will become contaminated (juta).You should be very careful...
A Hilo Airport Darshan
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The jiva is partly independent. As Lord Sri Krsna is fully independent, the jiva is partly independent. Krsna does not control him. He has given the soul freedom, and that freedom is a very valuable thing. Using that freedom, he can serve Krsna eternally, and if he misuses it, then maya comes and covers his original nature...
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